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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


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ASHEBL3HDZFixed an issue where you need to add a Notes resource directory (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\Notes\res\C ) in the Path system variable in...
Hide details for CompactCompact
SPPPBJQJJTFixed an issue where the compact -replica command removes all the ghost documents (including profiles) from a database.
Hide details for ContactsContacts
SAPLBDVE56Fixed an issue showing incorrect email label fields on edit / modify existing contact added using "Quick Contact" option. This regression was...
SAPLBJHJ37Client - Contact - Fixed an issue where the Contacts and To Do navigators were showing an Open Mini View option in both local and mail file contacts....
Hide details for Core ServicesCore Services
RRENBF9LHP Fixed an issue with an incorrect translation "Entgegnet" to "Gegenvorschlag" in the subject of a counter proposal. This regression was introduced...
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
CDUTBLARPLFixed an issue in Verse and iNotes where re-authentication was broken when deletion logging was enabled on a mail database. This regression was...
DANOBKPSFCDAOS - Fixed a bug where DAOS resync could fail to report errors from scanning .nlo files in the local filesystem (Tier 1)
Hide details for DECSDECS
SSHEBGSHJUFixed a server crash that would sometimes occur when creating a file connector in DECS or HEI. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for DQLDQL
JCUSBMDJZJDQL - Fixed a problem where view names that contained two consecutive spaces would result in a failure during view rebuild of the design catalog. ...
Hide details for EditorEditor
MAVAB9CQ6B Fixed an issue where action button was not visible when mouse hovers over the button. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1.
PALTB75LHKFixed a problem in the Notes client where Action Hotspots tied to an image generate an Entry not found in Index error. This regression was...
ASHEBKKKVDiNotes - Fixed a problem where Layers in a from were not being rendered properly in browsers. This regression was introduced in...
JPKRBKBW4Y Client - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to highlight Hebrew text in a table from within Notes documents that were in edit mode via the use...
Hide details for Formula/@FunctionsFormula/@Functions
ASHEBKPEBEYou can now use the ini AllowWildcardLookup=1 on the client and it will not hang and any circumstance
Hide details for Full TextFull Text
JBUDBKTS97Introduced ENABLE_NEW_FTLEXWORD_HANDLING ini to toggle lexical word handling. DISABLE_ATTACHMENT_SEARCH_BY_FILENAMES no longer affects the lexical...
Hide details for General/MiscGeneral/Misc
IFBTBJP637Designer - Fixed an issue where hovering over a tab title was not showing the tooltip with details about the design element like db name, server /...
Hide details for HTTP ServerHTTP Server
ASHEBK9BZFFixed an issue with Web Site Rules where a content-disposition custom header with value of inline was being working correctly (value of inline was...
PKURBLBDGFFixed an issue where the Domino server shows warnings when starting HTTP server when the OS locale is set to Latvian. The warnings are harmless and...


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