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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for 11.0.1 FP611.0.1 FP6
Hide details for AppDevAppDev
JCUSCBYQ4PProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where complex boolean queries with double-nested ANDed terms were returning incorrect results. This...
Hide details for Client AccessibilityClient Accessibility
TSAOC8WJPXClient - Fixed an issue in Notes view accessibility code that could occur for categorized views where the name of categories was not being read out. ...
TSAOC8Z35GClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue in Editor code for handling of childids sent through Accessibility APIs. This regression was introduced in...
TSAOC8ZC8AClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue with accessibility in editor that would occur while sending different accessibility objects from richtext...
ADEECBUCA7Client - Accessibility - Fixed an issue where JAWS did not read out hyperlinks in rich text fields. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
AYAVCFLHUVNotes - Fixed a crash that could occur when user Cancelled from the Change Password dialog. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1...
Hide details for Core ServicesCore Services
MDAABXMC4KServer - Fixed an issue where Domino server will no longer crash when a corrupt IDTable is to be returned during view open - enabled using...
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
JMOSCB4ST8Server - Database - Fixed a crash that could occur due to memory corruption during inplace compact. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for Full TextFull Text
UMAKCE4E4LServer - FT indexing - Fixed an issue where when whitelist was enabled for full text indexing, the ignore list was disregarded even when an...
Hide details for IMAPIMAP
ESPHCE4EP5Server - IMAP - Fixed an intermittent IMAP crash. This regression was introduced in 8.5.3
Hide details for MailMail
SRDECCLDDFClient - Mail Archiving - Fixed an issue where using a criteria name longer than 25 characters (non English) in Archive criteria could not be saved...
Hide details for MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
SGHHCDABAZ iNotes - Fixed an issue where a cross origin exception would occur when another user's mail file on another server was opened as delegate and the...
Hide details for Misc/UnknownMisc/Unknown
VVENCBMQM5Admin Client - Tools - Fixed an issue where a "File does not exist" error would be given while creating a database link within a new folder using...
Hide details for SNMPSNMP
SMOYCDXACHServer - SNMP - Fixed an issue where if the SNMP Service was started with an Administrator account other than the local system account it would fail...
Hide details for XPagesXPages
ASHECCY97EDesigner - XPages - Fixed an issue where opening an XPage with a view or folder control on it would throw an exception...
Hide details for 11.0.1 FP511.0.1 FP5
Show details for AdministrationAdministration


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