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Archived Messages Keep Reappearing In Archive Inbox

Technote Number: 1180519

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# AANA63HHPH and was fixed
in R6.0.5/6.5.4.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.0.5/6.5.4 fix list (available
at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus):

SPR# AANA63HHPH - Fixed a problem in folder replication where documents in the
folder show back up in the inbox.

In releases prior to 6.0.5/6.5.4, this situation occurs no matter how many or
how few documents you archive, and is not just limited to messages archived
from the Inbox. If you archive a message from any mail file folder, the same
situation occurs.

The situation occurs only when the folder the messages are moved to is created
in the Archive database. For example, you archive 20 messages in your mail file
to a folder created in the Archive database and then close out. When you
archive 10 more messages from your mail file, 30 messages appear in that folder
in the Archive Inbox.

The situation also occurs under the following circumstances:

-- Create a Test folder and archive two messages from it.

-- Archive another three messages from your Inbox.

-- Open the Archive database and move the three last messages that were
archived into the Test folder.

-- Close the Archive and open your mail file. Archive another two messages from
your Inbox.

-- Reopen the Archive and you will see the three messages originally archived
from Inbox and moved to the Archive reappear in the Inbox and Test folder.

If you haven't yet upgraded, you can work around this issue by creating a
folder anywhere except in the Archive database, as follows:

1. Select 20 messages in your mailfile Inbox.

2. Move the 20 messages to a new test folder created in your Inbox.

3. Select the 20 messages in the test folder and archive them.

4. Close the Archive database and open your mail database.

5. Select 10 more messages in your mailfile Inbox.

6. Archive the selected messages. Now just 10 documents are archived.
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