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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for Client UIClient UI
AYAVBTJDNXClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an intermittent crash in PaintWindowTab function.
SANEBTKARQClient - Fixed an issue where open a delegator's mail file would result in a workspace icon being added for their database.
ASHABUNEU8ICAA - Fixed an issue where Scan Unread and Scan Preferred options were not working.
AYAVBUVD2YClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fix an issue where Notes quits suddenly while switching between the Mail/Calendar/Contact views
JADGBW6SCEClient - Calendar - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where the options to set Background, Text Color and Entry Icon when adding a calendar were greyed...
XBYNBW6A55Notes - Mac Big Sur - Fixed an issue with Simplified Chinese Notes client where many text/words/settings shows as Traditional...
MSUNBVMRNRClient - Mac - Fixed an issue where additional line spacing was being used. The fix for this issue is behind an INI - set...
Hide details for Core ServicesCore Services
WWHGBRJFHNServer - Fixed a issue where server would crash with large passthru workload.
MDAABXMC4KServer - Fixed an issue where Domino server will no longer crash when a corrupt IDTable is to be returned during view open - enabled using...
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
GRHEBVJLYAServer - Fixed a performance issue where server startup had a noticeable delay when configured for repair with several donor...
GRHEBVYNW7Server - DAOS - Fixed an issue where after upgrading to 11.x, running dbmt -c on DAOS enabled databases results in duplicate DAOS objects being...
JPAIBW6R9JServer - Database - Fixed a deadlock during dbmt updall processing of unreads.
MKSHBWTGAYServer - DAOS - Fixed an issue where DAOS prune was only removing a subset of eligible NLOs. This regression was introduced in...
BSPRBYBKMNServer - DAOS - Fixed an issue where DAOS was not saving attachments in DAOS when doing a cluster copy of a database. This regression was introduced...
Hide details for Directory ServicesDirectory Services
UMAKBK8GU8Server - Fixed an issue where auto populated groups weren't correctly handling accented characters in usernames.
SMOYBT5GVKServer - DirSync - Fixed an issue where DirSync between Active Directory with "Last Name, First Name" as the common name format was resulting in a...
Hide details for Domain IndexingDomain Indexing
YCHABULJCBDomino - Full Text Indexing - Fixed an issue where the size of the file system index created on Domino 10.x.x is much larger than when it was created...
Hide details for DQLDQL
ASHEBTSL7RProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where DQL would give an error "Command Not Handled Exception" in browser. This regression was introduced in...
JPAIBUCJC2Programmability- DQL - Fixed a crash in QueryProcessor::genNodeTree when processing certain queries.
JCUSBXFH8NDQL - DQL Queries will no longer fail with "You are not authorized to perform that operation" when attempting to use a secured view. Processing will...
JCUSBXUMY3Programmability - DQL -DQL View-based ANDed terms will no longer fail to perform the boolean operation when no documents are found. This regression...
Hide details for EditorEditor
NNAIBT96LSClient - Attachments - Notes/Domino was truncating some encoded attachment filenames . This prevented the decoder from correctly decoding the...
SRKMBTZ9F4Client - Fixed an issue where some mime mail images were getting left aligned when replying to an internet email.


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