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by Product area Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for 11.0.1 FP911.0.1 FP9
JVEKAR7J8FClient - Mail - Fixed an issue where public email groups did not expand. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP8.
HNAKBUND6TClient - Fixed an issue where Notes would intermittently crash when navigating using the keyboard while browsing email.
SAIACNDD9CClient - Editor - DBCS - Fixed an issue where Chinese font on document load appeared garbled with certain fonts on copy-paste from Word doc. This...
MDAACSMAATClient - Security - Fixed an issue where client was incorrectly sending the SAML-ticket returned from idp to the Domino server instead of sending it...
SBOR6A55A4Client - Viewers - Fixed an issue where Microsoft .msg files were not able to be viewed.
RSPICVKEFXClient - Install - Fixed an issue where a corrupted rcpinstall.properties file would prevent the Client from launching.
PDARCVZC4EClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where a countered notice from Gmail was appearing as an Update notice instead of a Counter...
XYGUCUSCEZClient - Java - Fixed an intermittent hang where nlnotes.exe would terminate with a javacore due to "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError"
ASIACXEJ8XClient - Editor - Fixed an intermittent crash that could occur in the Client when checking system font size. This regression was introduced in...
HNAKCR3MS7Client - Java - Fixed an issue where the Client Java heap size values in the jvm.properties file in the Notes/framework/rcp/deploy directory were...
JADGC5KJ84Client - Mac - Fixed an issue on Mac where Notes client could not connect to the server when connected over VPN. The error was "Unable to find path...
JADGBBQPTGClient - Mail - Fixed a crash that could occur in the Notes client when issuing a cross certificate during web retrieval of a mail...
SJOIC23H3HClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where update notices were not sent to the invitee if they were added to an already created recurring/repeating...
MMNDCAYMEMClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where the Notes Client gave the error "An error occurred while saving: Note item not found" when trying to accept...
JMEAD3HMJLClient - Install - Fixed an issue where the Notes client was unable to startup due to notesbootstrap.dll being unsigned
NGRTCULDA7Client - Calendar - Fixed an issue with delegated mail file polling which could expose a server/cluster to a transaction storm on...
ANIACZD5MUClient - Editor - Fixed an issue in the Japanese Notes Client where copying and pasting a document link into the body of a message resulted in the...
XBYNCHF5EAClient - Editor - DBCS - Fixed an issue where some traditional Chinese characters and symbols displayed incorrectly with some specific Fonts against...
ASIAD4FD58 Client - Install - Fixed an issue where the file "HCL Notes Client Update Installer x64.msi" that is created in the temporary folder was lacking a...
Show details for 11.0.1 FP811.0.1 FP8
Show details for 11.0.1 FP711.0.1 FP7
Show details for 11.0.1 FP611.0.1 FP6
Show details for 11.0.1 FP511.0.1 FP5
Show details for 11.0.1 FP411.0.1 FP4
Show details for 11.0.1 FP311.0.1 FP3
Show details for 11.0.1 FP211.0.1 FP2
Show details for 11.0.1 FP111.0.1 FP1
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Show details for 11.011.0


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