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by Platform Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


Hide details for Full TextFull Text
MOBNCMSQ3UServer - Full Text Indexing - Fixed an issue where temporary files were not being cleaned up when full text indexing certain...
RMAACN9JPAServer - Full Text Indexing - Fixed an issue where full text indexes were not including attachments of type .txt.
JBUDCMASELServer - Full Text Indexing - Fixed an issue where Full text indexing didn't handle the FT_INDEX_BRUTE_FORCE_ATTACHMENT_TYPES INI correctly unless...
Hide details for ID VaultID Vault
RPAICM2KYVServer - ID Vault - Fixed an issue where iNotes users going thru rename on a 12.01 or above server were only able to access their ID file in the ID...
RPAICM4SC5Server - ID Vault - Fixed a web authentication failure to the Vault during rename if the user was going through a rename and the directory had not...
RPAICP4MKBServer - ID Vault - Fixed an issue where agent signer password reset was failing in the ID Vault when the server performing the request on behalf of...
Hide details for Install/Setup/ConfigInstall/Setup/Config
TSAOCNU737Server - Setup - Fixed an issue in the os400 server setup when used in Japanese locale where the parameter for DAYSAVTIME was being left in Japanese...
Hide details for JavaJava
JJARCP8GKZDesigner - Java - Fixed an issue where, after upgrading from 12.0.1 to 12.0.2, user is unable to open Java agents or Java script libraries. The...
Hide details for Java Backend ClassesJava Backend Classes
SPPPCEJM8CProgrammability - LotusScript and Java - Fixed a memory leak of BLK_IDTABLE in LotusScript and Java for backend method...
Hide details for LaunchLaunch
HNAKCLP57FDesigner/Admin - Fixed an issue where Designer and Admin client cannot be started due to error "Notes is still running but not responding". ...
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
SRPACMYJ56Programmability - LotusScript Debugger - Fixed an issue where item arrays were not being displayed in the correct order. This regression was...
Hide details for MailMail
RBIP6C4LUZClient - Fixed an issue where trying to open Mail.box from Admin or Notes client failed when Notes.ini Mail_Enable_Mailbox_Compatibility=1 was...
JWIECNGAE4 - Client - Addressing - Fixed an issue with the 64 bit client where clicking in the selection area of Select Addresses dialog would result in a...
SRDECLGF77Client - Mail - Fixed an issue where doing "Reply to All with history and attachments" to an email where the sender's email address is a malformed...
BRISCN7MSPServer - Mail - Added a new Notes.ini, RouterJunkDeliverQuietMode, that can be used on the mail server(s) doing mail delivery to test Junk folder...
Hide details for Mail ClientMail Client
YYUNCLD4ERClient - Mail - Fixed an issue with the Notes client where forwarding or replying to an e-new message and answering Yes to the dialog about "The...
Hide details for Mail RoutingMail Routing
UTOOCKD79DServer - Router - Fixed an issue with Router memory corruption caused by very long administrator provided Japanese help text for failure messages on...
Hide details for MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
SGHHCKXLG7 iNotes - Archive - Fixed an issue where there was no way to show the archive menu if hte archive policy to prohibit private archive was...
Show details for NetworkingNetworking


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