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by Platform Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


Hide details for Java Backend ClassesJava Backend Classes
SPPPCEJM8CProgrammability - LotusScript and Java - Fixed a memory leak of BLK_IDTABLE in LotusScript and Java for backend method...
PSHECT3K5UServer - Java Backend Classes - Fixed a crash that could occur on Domino server running Leap/Volt with PANIC: Invalid pool free chain from...
Hide details for JavaScript EditorJavaScript Editor
JSRYCRQJ4GDesigner - JavaScript Editor- Fixed an issue in the JavaScript Editor where the Outline Tab did not list the functions and variable names. This...
Hide details for JVMJVM
CCAYCPZQLHServer - JVM - Fixed an issue where Web Services (SOAP & WSDL) were not working. This regression was introduced in 14.0 EA1.
JBSMCQJTRVServer, Client, iNotes- DST - Fixed an issue with daylight savings time (DST) for the United Mexican States.
Hide details for LaunchLaunch
HNAKCLP57FDesigner/Admin - Fixed an issue where Designer and Admin client cannot be started due to error "Notes is still running but not responding". ...
Hide details for LDAP ServerLDAP Server
MVTOCR8BPQServer - LDAP - Fixed an issue where LDAP BPool Full errors were showing in the console log resulting in users being unable to authenticate to the...
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
SRPACMYJ56Programmability - LotusScript Debugger - Fixed an issue where item arrays were not being displayed in the correct order. This regression was...
PSHECAE8HFProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue on Linux Cent OS with Korean language emails where "?" character was getting added while converting...
BKANCL6MEJProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue on the w64 client where using an Array of Longs in Lotusscript would result in unexpected results. ...
PALTCQ8MQFProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue that could result in a crash when using NSFSearchStop with a remote server. This regression was...
EMUZCB9EAJProgrammability - LotusScript - Web Services - Fixed an crash that could occur when running a web service in the 64 bit Client when parsing a result....
SMOYCPCMHFProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where LotusScript was generating JSON over multiple simultaneous threads causing memory management...
NDOECPR8UZProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where declaring an array with no type could result in "Out of stack space" error on Windows 64...
AKURCRHKAFDesigner - LotusScript Debugger - Fixed an issue where the LotusScript Debugger would crash when debugging code that used...
PDARCRRCU3Fixed an issue where keywords were not showing in blue nor red color when creating a new Agent after enabling the Notes.ini DoubleAsPtrForClient. ...
MOBNCSTGH6Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue with the NotesIDVault methods IsIdInVault an PutUserIdInVault where they were failing to find users...
MOBNCSTGPZProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where certain Turkish characters in a user name was preventing rename from working when using the...
SRPACPQ6WQProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where GetAllEntriesByKey was returning incorrect results. This regression was introduced in 12.0.1...
KKOOBZ9B2EProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue using the WriteText method of the NotesStream class where, when setting a character string in a file...
SRKMCSCM5JProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where calling NotesEmbeddedObject.Activate from an agent in the Notes 64 bit client would result in...
JSHN8BCSGLProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where  Notesadministrationprocess.Approvemovedreplicadeletion method was not working...
TJJNCSKVTE Programmability - LotusScript Debugger - Fixed an issue where the Globals section and variables within it were not correctly displaying nor sorted...
RJJJCUACT8Programmability - LotusScript - 64 bit - Fixed an issue with notesSession.UseDoubleAsPointer when used in a hotspot/button where setting it to True...


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