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DisableGoogleCookieHandler=1 to disable Google cookie handler;
DisableGoogleCookieHandler=0 or not specified will not disable Google cookie handle
8.5.2 FP1AMYS89TPQ9Fixed the problem that after federating with Google calendar, Activities encountered a connection problem.

9.0JSTN8C52GM Limit Full Text Index Search GTR query memory consumption in order to lessen or eliminate server instability. There are several new notes.ini...
DebugTypedownFlow=18.5.3ASCR7PTQCLFixed an issue where the cursor was misplaced when using the mouse to click on "No results" selection. This would occur after the user typed in a...
DEBUG_PRINT_PANIC_STACK9.0NBRR8RPSPMImplements an notes.ini DEBUG_PRINT_PANIC_STACK. When set to 1 in production code it will print a call stack. Non -production code will always print...
DisableJavaToolBarWarningDialog=19.0RCFE8NGVWUFixed an issue that Notes produced A Popup Dialog Warning If Busy "Please Wait. Notes Is Processing Your Requests with the following Notes.ini...
DisableLSSurrogatePair6.0.5FBEE5ZSSC3LotusScript String handling performance (Mid, left, right, len & Instr). With Surrogate Pair (4 Bytes) support in R6, we took a hit in performance. ...
Ftg_Use_Sys_Memory6.5.5JSTN65HQRJThis fix improves performance when performing a full text search on a large database. It prevents the Full Text memory
allocation error = 33011. ...
IgnoreHTMLURLTarget=112.0PCHNBXPPHAClient - Windows - Fixed an issue where Notes Client opens specific URLs in embedded Browser instead of Edge. This fix can be disabled by setting...
iNotes_WA_AllowMoveFromSent8.5.2KRAU7GLJB9If iNotes_WA_AllowMoveFromSent=1 is set, the "Move to Folder" action is allowed from a Sent view and the default action of drag and drop from Sent...
iNotes_WA_Areas7.0.1SLIU6F3AGHFixed a problem where disabled contacts are displayed in the NAB. The ini variable "iNotes_WA_Areas=111101" was used to disabling the contacts...
iNotes_WA_CalViewShowPrivateEntry9.0SQZO83U4F4Fixes a problem where Private All Day events and Anniversaries which were marked Private, are visible to a delegated user. New notes.in: ...
iNotes_WA_NoLimitMatches8.5.3JSSI86W6MTAdded iNotes name validation support for returning an unlimited number of ambiguous group names
iNotes_WA_NoPortServerArchive8.0.2JFRA7CNJ5ZThis fix introduces a new Notes.ini variable, iNotes_WA_NoPortServerArchive=1, to prevent adding the port number to the URL in order to open the...
iNotes_WA_Ultralight8.5.1 FP1BMKH7WYK27Fixed an iNotes Ultra-light HTTP crash which occurred if the Domino Web Engine setting to store web user preference in cookies was set to Disabled. ...
MIMEInsertHTMLLineBreaks=19.0TSHI8JX8V2this fix adds the notes.ini setting, MIMEInsertHTMLLineBreaks=1, to force the part to be 7-bit encoding and to insert line breaks at appropriate...
QUOTE_LTPA_COOKIE=19.0GTON8EDC7ZAdded a notes.ini, QUOTE_LTPA_COOKIE, which places quotes around the value of the cookie. This makes the LTPA cookie compliant with RFC 2109 and RFC...
REPL_NO_REMOTE_TRI_HIST=19.0TKAA8MTAXNFix problem causing a document not replicating among three sets of servers. The fix changes the code to always skip triangulation if the INI...
SSL_SKIP_V2CERT_UNIQUEID=18.5.2XCXC7G29UTfix to allow importing x509 internet certificate chain if root and intermediate CAs are not the same by using V3 portion of certificate when...
TNEFProcessTypeTNEFOnly=0 to revert this fix10.0.1CSAA9H7EKMAddressed an issue with an inbound SMTP mail with a malformed TNEF (winmail.dat) attachment resulting in a delivery failure "Note item not found"....
UNIX_ARCHIVE_MAIL_FILE_TO_LOWCASE =19.0JSSI8L9BPPfix added so Unix upper case soft link mail file can share one lower case log file and one archive file during mail archiving because the lower case...
ActivateDocDuringQueryQuit=19.0JJDI8YG54Nin some cases when using NotesUIWorkspace.ComposeDocument, the command does not work in the Notes Standard Client as the current document is not...
ActivateDocDuringQueryQuit=19.0JYJG8YF8FMIn Standard Client, during execution of a script inside a document, the current document may not get activated, resulting in an error being...
AddGroupDomain=18.5.3MHUZ8ADHQVFixed problem where a "Reply to all" for an e-mail message containing a flat-named group -- which was in the same domain as the sender -- was...
ADJUST_MERGED_CELL_WIDTH=19.0ASHH7PU929Fixed an issue that the table got shrinked every time you saved the document., if a table had merged cells in the first row and had cell spacing...
AdminpModifyNamesFields5.0.12LBON49SQHWDuring a rename process, Adminp can rename users in plain Names fields also, when "Modify all Reader and Author fields" is chosen in the ACL. New...
ADMINP_DISABLE_DISK_SPACE_CHECK=110.0.1 FP5NVENBN2UVSAdminp - Added an INI to allow the admin to skip the check of the free disk space that is normally done before creating a new replica. The admin...
ADMINP_DISABLE_DISK_SPACE_CHECK=111.0.1 FP1NVENBN2UVSAdminp - Added an INI to allow the admin to skip the check of the free disk space that is normally done before creating a new replica. The admin...
ADMINP_DISABLE_DISK_SPACE_CHECK=112.0NVENBN2UVSAdminp - Added an INI to allow the admin to skip the check of the free disk space that is normally done before creating a new replica. The admin...
8.5.1PBIT7PDFWSUnder some circumstances the removal of the last name from a "Name List" event can occur frequently and exhaust the amount of memory available to...
AdminP_Exchange_All_Unread_Marks7.0.2BSPR67HN6WUsing a server based, Notes.ini variable (ADMINP_EXCHANGE_ALL_UNREAD_MARKS = 1), this fix will allow the exchange of unread marks when the...


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