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Customer Priority Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


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STAAD49DGAClient - Editor - Fixed an issue on Windows 11 where clicking a "file://" link opened in the Edge browser instead of...
MOBND5CSYTServer - Adminp - Fixed an issue where a user's inbox was getting rebuilt daily by the Notes client causing long delays...
MOBND5XJUNServer - DirSync - Fixed an issue where DirSync was syncing disabled users as well as computer...
MOBND5XJZWServer - Entitlement Tracker - Fixed an issue where Entitlement Tracker was creating entitlements for disabled users...
MSAHD64AMYDesigner - Subforms - Fixed an issue where the error "Formula must evaluate to text" was being shown resulting in a...
SGHHDAYKVCiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to create or edit a calendar entry in iNotes using Chrome...
SSARBJ3BGYClient - Mail - Fixed an issue where charset was wrong after saving a MIME email in draft mode. This regression was...
JJARD7HDXSProgrammability - Java Agents - Fixed an issue where a Java Agent that connects to another system via HTTPS was giving...
MGUOC3KL2QProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where custom http headers were not supported due to a limitation in XPages...
SMOYCZEEP3Server - Database- Fixed an crash that was occurring during note update with error - PANIC: List Entry count in...
SSARBLWARWClient - Attachments - Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a .eml file
IFBTD7MMAMProgrammability - Composite Applications - Fixed an issue with Composite Application and XPages around integration...
JALAD7PNLSProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue in XPages related to handling of embedded images in documents where the...
JTHSD7V8YRServer - SMTP - Fixed an issue with the inbound SMTP implicit Bcc feature when enabled in the configuration document...
NGRTD8PAUAServer, Client - General - Fixed a crash that could occur in ConvertTextToTIMEDATEZoneExt/CvtTextToTIMEDATEExt2...
MSAHD3D9EJDesigner - UI - Fixed an issue where, when using the property box in Designer, focus was being partially changed to the...
HYZGD665PBServer - Database - Fixed a crash that could occur from keySearch function with error "PANIC: OSBBlockAddr: Bad BBlock...
XBYND739TYClient - Editor - Fixed an error where opening a document could result in the error "Document has too many paragraphs -...
VMRUD77S3XServer - Entitlement Tracking - Fixed an issue where the Entitlement tracking report would show an incorrect server...
TSAOCGYBJCClient - Search Center - Fixed an issue where searching via the Search Center within a database that was not full text...
TKAAD5XBMSClient - Editor - Enabled the ini PasteHighQualityImage=1 by default to fix the degraded quality of pasted images. To...
XYGUD9A42BClient - Editor - Fixed issue where the charset was wrong after saving a MIME email as draft if the region format was...
MOBND6RJVVServer - Full Text - Fixed a crash that could occur on very large full text indexes.
SJOID9AEKXiNotes - Fixed an issue where attachments with .p7m extensions sent from external mail system and received by Domino...
DFLSCZMT9GServer - Database - Fixed a crash that could occur due to lock table full on IMAP enabled database. Panic was from...
JADGCZKJTWClient - UI - Fixed an issue with using the OS theme where selected tab was displaying as black and there was no X...
NPDID7B9ANServer - Entitlement Tracker - Fixed an issue where the entitlement tracker was not correctly recognizing that groups...
XYGUD7B4E9Client - Editor - Fixed a crash that could occur in @DocCountAttachments. This regression was introduced in 12.02FP5...


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