These are the url patterns iNotes 8.5.2 uses. This will be helpful when trying to setup a reverse proxy to catch URL patterns.
Below are examples of URL patterns. used within iNotes with some info about what each pattern does.
iNotes Functionality /favicon.ico (iNotes icon)
/domjs (iNotes sidebar)
/iNotes (i Notes Forms File)/iwaredir.nsf (Depends on DBname used for redirector )/names.nsf (Require for Authentication) /mail (Depends on The Config as well could be mail1, mail2 etc.) Server Archive/archive (Depends on Archive directory set by user or admin default is /archive) DOLS / Local Archive (will still require ini set for dolstcpip for DOLS to find domino server)/download Active X/dwabho.dll (Browser Helper Object for cache cleaning) /dwa85W.cab ( iNotes Cab for win XP or later) /dwa85.cab (iNotes Cab for older versions of win) /dwa85res_en.dll (Resource strings for cab ) Proxy Integration (used for google federated calendar, and quickr integration)
/xsp/proxy STLinks (Sametime Integration within iNotes) /sametime /communityCBR Samtime Open AJAX Hub (Sametime Proxy Integration within iNotes using 8.5.2 Tech-preview ) /stwebclient /stwebapi /stbaseapi |