Your users report problems connecting to the IBM Lotus Domino webserver, the HTTP server. You and IBM support technicians will get a better view of the issue by collecting HTTP server thread logs to reflect the Domino perspective and the browser/client side experience when you use Fiddler2 logs, for Internet Explorer users, or Live HTTP Headers for Firefox users.
Set the troubleshooting parameters for the Domino side of the transactions. These dynamic commands require no restart of Domino or HTTP.
1. Enter in the Domino console
set config console_log_enabled=1
set config webauth_verbose_trace=1
set config debug_threadid=1
tell http debug thread on
console_log_enabled=1 starts console logging if you have not already enabled it.
webauth_verbose_trace tracks login of the user and places entries in the data\IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT\console.log for a Windows or iSeries OS, and the notesdata or similar directory structure for Unix work-alikes.
debug_threadid records the process ID's and threads to the console.log to keep it all straight and "orderly."
tell http debug thread on captures files named as htthr*.log. in the \data or /notesdata IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT directory.
2. Track the issue from the client/ browser side. If you use Firefox install the Live HTTP Headers addon. If you use IE please use Fiddler2. You will find steps for both below.
3. Reproduce the issue. If the issue involves a mail file and your users access mail through a redirection database, add to the test accessing directly the mail file, e. g., . Doing this you will add troubleshooting to help determine if the redirection database is part of the issue.
4. Disable the troubleshooting parameters on the Domino server when testing is complete. Enter in the Domino console:
set config webauth_verbose_trace=0
set config debug_threadid=0
tell http debug thread off
set config console_log_enabled=0
If you wish to continue with the console logging then skip disabling that command.
5. Compress and
send to IBM technical support the console.log, all of the htthr*.log files in the notesdata or data \IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT directory, and .saz log files from the Fiddler2 and IE session. If you use Firefox send the Live HTTP Headers text file, or the .saz file from Fiddler2 if you use the hook for Firefox.
Setup and enable Fiddler2 to capture IE user browser logs
Install and start it up. For IE, Fiddler2 acts as a proxy to log all transactions. It will start capturing by default. You need to modify the Tools / Fiddler Options to decrypt capture. Make sure that the capture, decrypt, and ignore are all checked, and if asked you accept the certificate it will create. Screenshots included show the settings. When the captures are completed you may save the .saz files where ever you like, send them to me.
You can help to simplify the logging by filtering the data capture for the server needed. You can set the filter for internet or intranet hosts depending on whether you browser will access the network internally (intranet) or externally (internet).
Setup and enable Firefox to capture user browser logs
You can use the FiddlerHook extension for Firefox, which will log similarly the Firefox requests. You, also, can use
Live HTTP Headers for Firefox. Start it from the Tools Menu. When you complete the testing copy the window's contents into a text file and send it to IBM technical support.