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wimconfig.xml is a WebSphere Application Server (WSAS) configuration file; it is an important file in a
WebSphere Portal environment. It is the main file that controls the behavior of the Virtual Member Manager component (VMM).
WebSphere Portal (WP or Portal) depends on VMM services during login, user and group search and access control
assignments, among other tasks. Wimconfig.xml is critical to the functioning of WebSphere Portal.
General Information and Notes
In Portal 6.1 and later VMM has replaced the WebSphere Member Manager (WMM). There is no WMM code in Portal or WSAS 6.1.
Most of the terms used in WMM (realm, searchBase) translate directly to VMM and the configuration "pattern" of properties and their
values represented as XML applies to VMM as well. VMM is simpler to manage in that there is only a single major configuration
file while in WMM care often had to be taken to ensure consistency across multiple files.
The primary WMM configuration file is wmm.xml. In VMM it is wimconfig.xml. A number of associated files that were required in WMM
(depending on the configuration) are not used in VMM. For example, in WMM realms were defined in the file wmmur.xml and attribute
mappings in wmmAttributes.xml (and other files). In VMM all the major configuration properties are included in wimconfig.xml so there are
fewer files to manage in Portal 6.1 and later versions.
The core Portal code does not communicate with a configured repository directly. Calls are made by VMM at the direction of Portal
components; principal among these is PUMA, the Portal User Management Architecture. For example, a search for a user by CN in
the Manage Users and Groups portlet makes calls to PUMA which in turn calls VMM to fetch data from the repository. Similarly, PUMA API
calls also result in method calls by VMM.
VMM is a component of Application Server. Defects fixed in VMM are delivered in Application Server APARs and Fixpacks. You may be
required to upgrade the Application Server in order to resolve a defect in VMM.
Portal configuration tasks, for example wp-create-ldap, update the VMM configuration as well as other Portal resources. APARs that
resolve defects in Portal configuration tasks are delivered in Portal Cumulative Fixes and Refresh Packs.
Portal configuration tasks cover most scenarios (for example, the addition of a new realm) but manual modification of wimconfig.xml may be
necessary to complete or "fine tune" a configuration. In addition, there are properties that may require update in wimconfig.xml for which no
Portal configuration task exists. Manual editing of wimconfig.xml is supported and is often the most efficient way to make necessary adjustments.
If there is no Portal configuration task to modify certain properties in the wimconfig.xml, Application Server tools such as the
$AdminTask facility can be used if manual modifications are not to be permitted or to script changes to the file.
The default, out-of-the-box, Portal security configuration is the federated repository type. Configuring Portal to use a stand-alone LDAP repository
by running the configuration task wp-modify-standalone-ldap effectively "converts" the configuration to the stand-alone type. If you intend to support
multiple repositories or create multiple realms and associate the realms to virtual portals, you must maintain a federated configuration.
This document describes the major stanzas in wimconfig.xml as they relate to WebSphere Portal. This document is not intended to serve as
an encyclopedic reference to the configuration of VMM, particularly in environments in which WebSphere Portal is not installed.
In this document, wimconfig.xml is divided in to its major parts and comments regarding a given section are listed below the XML. Certain markup
has been removed and the syntax modified to make the document easier to read. Copying entries from this file is discouraged and may result
in a nonfunctional Portal server.
Not all of the possible repository types are described in the document. An LDAP repository is used in the examples below since it is the most
common repository type.
Main wimconfig.xml Stanzas
<configurationProvider maxPagingResults="500" maxSearchResults="4500"
maxTotalPagingResults="1000" pagedCacheTimeOut="900" pagingEntityObject="true"
This stanza appears once in wimconfig.xml. There are no Portal configuration tasks to modify the properties in this
section. maxSearchResults can be adjusted to limit the number of results fetched from the LDAP. It is recommended
to leave the other properties at the default values.
<supportedEntityTypes defaultParent="cn=internal,ou=user,dc=ibm,dc=com" name="PersonAccount">
<supportedEntityTypes defaultParent="ou=role,ou=group,dc=ibm,dc=com" name="Group">
<supportedEntityTypes defaultParent="o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" name="OrgContainer">
The defaultParent defines the default container where users and groups will be created if the Portal UI is used to add users and
groups to the repository. There can be only 1 parent per EntityType no matter how many repositories are configured.
defaultParents can be set per realm, however. If users and groups are created directly in the repository the parent entities do not
need to be modified from the default since they will not be used.
The defaultParent for OrgContainer is not used by WebSphere Portal. The OrgContainer defaultParent will be defined as
"o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" even in federated multiple repository configuration unless the entry has been modified manually.
<repositories xsi:type="LdapRepositoryType" adapterClassName=""
id="ClusterLdap" isExtIdUnique="true" supportAsyncMode="false" supportExternalName="false"
supportPaging="false" supportSorting="false" supportTransactions="false" certificateFilter=""
certificateMapMode="EXACT_DN" ldapServerType="IDS6" translateRDN="false">
There will be one
stanza for each repository in the environment. A repository may be configured to
use 1 or more realms. To map a realm to a Virtual Portal the configuration type must be federated.
For a Custom User Repository ensure the adapterClassName is set to the name of the custom class. provides a default class for the LDAP and database repositories.
ldapServerType options are defined in
Do not use CUSTOM as the ldapServerType unless a Custom Repository is actually being configured.
<baseEntries name="dc=ibm,dc=com" nameInRepository="dc=ibm,dc=com"/>
baseEntries "nameInRepository" must be a valid LDAP container (ie, the actual name of the container in the LDAP)
loginProperty defines the property used to login to the LDAP.
<ldapServerConfiguration primaryServerQueryTimeInterval="15" returnToPrimaryServer="true"
searchCountLimit="500" searchTimeLimit="120000" sslConfiguration="">
There are no tasks to modify the the ldapServerConfiguration properties.
<ldapServers authentication="simple" bindDN="uid=wpsbind,cn=internal,ou=user,dc=ibm,dc=com"
bindPassword="{xor}KC8sPTYxOw==" connectionPool="true" connectTimeout="0" derefAliases="always"
referal="ignore" sslEnabled="false">
<connections host="" port="389"/>
LDAP-specific properties. The bindDN must be able to bind to, search, and have permission in the LDAP to return
all attributes associated to Portal users and groups. The bindDN can be any id and does not have to be the LDAP
administrator id. bindDN should be set to a fully qualified distinguished name. bindPassword can be encoded with WSAS
utility propFilePasswordEncoder. The "referal" (sic) property can be set to cause VMM to "follow" a referral to another LDAP.
<ldapEntityTypes name="OrgContainer">
<rdnAttributes name="o" objectClass="organization"/>
<rdnAttributes name="ou" objectClass="organizationalUnit"/>
<rdnAttributes name="dc" objectClass="domain"/>
<rdnAttributes name="cn" objectClass="container"/>
<ldapEntityTypes name="PersonAccount" searchFilter="">
<ldapEntityTypes name="Group" searchFilter="">
Define the objectClasses for users (PersonAccount), Groups and OrgContainer (the OrgContainer type is not used
by WebSphere Portal). The objectClasses are a primary search criteria used by VMM. Add additional searchBases
on a new line to limit the scope of a search. Do not use ; or : to concatenate searchBases. ObjectClasses must match the
EntityType in LDAP (confirm this with an ldif export from the LDAP). Multiple ObjectClasses can be listed on separate lines.
Do not set or enable a searchFilter for the PersonAccount or Group Entities unless advised to by IBM Support.
<memberAttributes dummyMember="uid=dummy" name="member" objectClass="groupOfNames"
scope="direct"/> (TDS and others)
<memberAttributes dummyMember="uid=dummy" name="uniqueMember" objectClass="groupOfUniqueNames"
scope="direct"/> (TDS and others)
<memberAttributes dummyMember="" name="member" objectClass="group"
scope="direct"/> (MSAD)
Group member attributes. Both the name and objectClass must match the class name in the LDAP otherwise
searches will fail. Typically, this is observed in the Users and Groups portlet when a group can be retrieved but its
members cannot or members of a group do not see Portal content after access control assignments.
<membershipAttribute name="ibm-allGroups" scope="direct"/> (TDS example)
<membershipAttribute name="nsRole" scope="direct"/> (SunOne example)
<dynamicMemberAttributes name="memberurl" objectClass="groupofurls"/>
memberAttributes name and objectClass must match the entityTypes definitions above. Verify using an LDIF export.
membershipAttribute name can be used to "shortcut" group searches to improve performance.
dynamicMemberAttributes is used to configure dynamic groups.
For both memberAttributes and membershipAttribute scope values are:
direct - The membership attribute only contains direct groups (default).
nested - The membership attribute that contains the direct groups and the nested groups.
all - The membership attribute contains direct groups, nested groups, and dynamic members.
The use of nested or dynamic groups can negatively affect search performance.
<attributes name="unicodePwd" propertyName="password" syntax="unicodePwd"/>
<propertiesNotSupported name="description"/>
<propertiesNotSupported name="jpegPhoto"/>
<propertiesNotSupported name="labeledURI"/>
<propertiesNotSupported name="carLicense"/>
<propertiesNotSupported name="pager"/>
<propertiesNotSupported name="roomNumber"/>
At configure time a default list of attributes will be added to wimconfig.xml. To make additonal attributes or custom
attributes available to Portal the attribute must be added to VMM and then mapped in the VMM configuration using
the appropriate configuration tasks.
LDAP attributes unavailable in Portal will be shown as 'propertiesNotSupported.' An "unsupported" attribute will
not be queried. You may set a an attribute as NotSupported to prevent its use in the Portal. Set a given attribute
as NotSupported if the property is not indexed in the repository to increase performance.
<contextPool enabled="true" initPoolSize="1" maxPoolSize="20" poolTimeOut="0"
poolWaitTime="3000" prefPoolSize="3"/>
VMM maintains a pool of threads (or "contexts") to communicate with the repository. Contexts are used for user and
group searches and to determine membership during login. There are no config tasks to modify these properties.
A context is not the same as a connection.
The Portal 6.1 Tuning Guide recommends the following pool settings:
initPoolSize="10" maxPoolSize="0" poolTimeOut="0" poolWaitTime="3000" prefPoolSize="30"
In particular, maxPoolSize 0 allows the pool to grow as large as needed.
<attributesCache attributeSizeLimit="2000" cacheSize="4000" cacheTimeOut="1200" enabled="true"/>
<searchResultsCache cacheSize="2000" cacheTimeOut="600" enabled="true" searchResultSizeLimit="1000"/>
By default, both VMM and the Portal User Management Architecture (PUMA) cache objects such
as LDAP attributes. The cache settings can be tuned in this section.
<realmConfiguration defaultRealm="DefaultPortalRealm">
<realms delimiter="/" name="DefaultPortalRealm" securityUse="active" allowOperationIfReposDown="false">
<participatingBaseEntries name="dc=ibm,dc=com"/>
<participatingBaseEntries name="dc=raleigh,dc=ibm,dc=com"/>
<uniqueUserIdMapping propertyForInput="uniqueName" propertyForOutput="uniqueName"/>
<userSecurityNameMapping propertyForInput="principalName" propertyForOutput="externalName"/>
<userDisplayNameMapping propertyForInput="principalName" propertyForOutput="principalName"/>
<uniqueGroupIdMapping propertyForInput="uniqueName" propertyForOutput="uniqueName"/>
<groupSecurityNameMapping propertyForInput="cn" propertyForOutput="externalName"/>
<groupDisplayNameMapping propertyForInput="cn" propertyForOutput="cn"/>
<realms delimiter="/" name="PortalRealm_Releigh" securityUse="active" allowOperationIfReposDown="false">
<participatingBaseEntries name="dc=raleigh,dc=ibm,dc=com"/>
<uniqueUserIdMapping propertyForInput="uniqueName" propertyForOutput="uniqueName"/>
<userSecurityNameMapping propertyForInput="principalName" propertyForOutput="externalName"/>
<userDisplayNameMapping propertyForInput="principalName" propertyForOutput="principalName"/>
<uniqueGroupIdMapping propertyForInput="uniqueName" propertyForOutput="uniqueName"/>
<groupSecurityNameMapping propertyForInput="cn" propertyForOutput="externalName"/>
<groupDisplayNameMapping propertyForInput="cn" propertyForOutput="cn"/>
This section defines the Portal realms. In this example, there are two realms, the default realm
called "DefaultPortalRealm" and a second realm called "PortalRealm_Raleigh."
The defaultRealm (also called the "super realm" in the Portal Infocenter) must contain the participatingBaseEntries
for all realms defined. Realms are usually "bound" or attached to Virtual Portals. More than one realm may be
defined in a single repository. Other than the addition of new realms, baseEntries and other properties such as
defaultParents, manual modification to wimconfig.xml is usually required to establish a multiple realm configuration.