ShowTable of Contents
This tutorial walks through a single-node installation of IBM Connections on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 64-bit system . The first eight lessons are required to configure a working environment.
Lesson 1: Preparing Your System
Lesson 2: Installing WebSphere Application Server (WAS)
Lesson 3: Installing IBM HTTP Server and Plugin
Lesson 4: Installing WAS Fix Packs
Lesson 5: Installing DB2
Lesson 6: Installing Tivoli Directory Integrator
Lesson 7: Installing a Domino LDAP Directory
Lesson 8: Intermediate Steps
Lesson 9: Installing IBM Connections 4.0
Lesson 10: Installing Cognos (optional - requires another VM with 4G RAM and 100G disk space)
Lesson objectives
The WebSphere Application Server v7.0 requires maintenance packages (a.k.a. fix packs). Connections 4.0 requires fix pack 21 or later.
In this lesson, you will install the Update Installer and the required fix pack 21 maintenance packages for use with Connections 4.0.
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to install the WAS 7 Update Installer and various fix pack 21 maintenance packages for use with Connections 4.0 . At the end of this tutorial, you will be ready to install and configure a single-node IBM Connections 4.0 environment running on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 64-bit system.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Identify the Required Fix Pack Files
- Install WAS 7 Update Installer
- Update WAS and WAS SDK to FP21
- Update IHS (web server) and Plugins to FP21
- Apply Additional Fixes
At the end of this lesson, you will be ready to install and configure WAS and required fix packs.
System requirements
A RHEL 6.3 64-bit machine with a minimum of 8G memory and 100G of disk space is required.
Task 1: Locate and Download Fix Pack Files
In this task, we will locate and download maintenance packages (a.k.a. fix packs) required to install Connections 4.
Step | Action |
1 | Login as user root. |
2 | Switch to /opt/install/WASFixes created in Lesson 1, Task 1, Step 9.
[root@connections4]# cd /opt/install/WASFixes
[root@connections4 WASFixes]#
3 | Locate the WAS Fix Pack files shown below that were previously downloaded during Lesson 1, Task 6, Step 1.
If you need to download the files again, go to Fix Central or use the public FTP links below:
Description: IBM WebSphere Update Installer
7.0.0-WS-IHS-LinuxX64-FP0000021.pakIHS FP 21
Description: IBM HTTP Server fix pack on Linux 64-bit,x86_64
Description: WebSphere Application Server Java SDK 1.6 SR9 FP2 on Linux 64-bit,x86_64
Description: WebSphere Application Server Plug-in fix pack on Linux 64-bit,x86_64
Description: IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0.0 fix pack 21 for Linux 64-bit,x86_64
Note: If using Fix Central, use the selections shown below. Fix pack 21 is now older than several newer fix packs and the newer ones sort first. To find FP21, when the results display, click Next (at the bottom) until FP21 files display.
4 | Confirm the presence of the files:
[root@connections4 WASFixes]# ls -al
5 | Shut down WAS in order to install the fix packs:
[root@connections4 WASFixes]# /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServerDemo/profiles/Dmgr01/bin/ -user wasadmin -password passw0rd
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the Dmgr01 profile
ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: dmgr
ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.
ADMU4000I: Server dmgr stop completed.
6 | Result: The server is now down and you are ready to install the fix packs. |
Task 2: Install WAS 7 Update Installer
*The WAS 7 Update Installer is required to install maintenance packages.
Step | Action |
1 | Remain logged in as user root. |
2 | From the WASFixes directory, create a new directory called UPDI and then change to that directory.
[root@connections4 WASFixes]# pwd
[root@connections4 WASFixes]# mkdir UPDI
[root@connections4 WASFixes]# cd UPDI
[root@connections4 WASFixes]# pwd
3 | From the UPDI directory, extract the contents from the Update Installer file :
[root@connections4 UPDI]# tar xvfz ../
4 | Once complete, verify that the following directories were created:
[root@connections4 UPDI]# ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 23 2011 JDK
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Nov 23 2011 UpdateInstaller
5 | Change to the UpdateInstaller directory and verify the path. Run the install shell script.
[root@connections4 UPDI]# cd UpdateInstaller
[root@connections4 UpdateInstaller]# pwd
[root@connections4 UpdateInstaller]# ./install
6 | On the Installation Wizard Welcome dialogue, click Next.
7 | Accept the terms of the license agreement. Click Next.
8 | At the System Prerequisite Check, click Next.
9 | When prompted for installation directory, enter /opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller. Click Next.
10 | At the Installation Summary dialogue, click Next.
11 | After the Update Installer is created and required components are installed (few mins), the installation completes and displays a Success message. Select Launch IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Software on exit and click Finish.
12 | Result: The Update Installer has been successfully installed. It will start and display a dialogue showing a list of supported products. Do not press any buttons yet! Continue on to Task 3.
Task 3: Update WAS and WAS SDK to FP21
In this task, we will update the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and WebSphere Application Server Software Development Kit (WAS SDK) to fix pack 21.
Step | Action |
1 | Remain logged in as user root. |
2 | Keep the Update Installer dialogue box open; we will return here soon. Switch to a command prompt and change to the newly created UpdateInstaller directory. Create a maintenance directory as shown below:
[root@connections4]# cd /opt/install/WASFixes/UPDI/UpdateInstaller
root@connections4 UpdateInstaller]# mkdir /opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/maintenance
3 | Go back two directories to the WASFixes directory and move all the fix pack files (.pak) to the maintenance directory.
[root@connections4 UpdateInstaller]# pwd
[root@connections4 UpdateInstaller]# cd ../../
[root@connections4 WASFixes]# ls -al
[root@connections4 WASFixes]# mv 7.0.0-WS* /opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/maintenance
4 | Change to the maintenance directory and verify the fix pack files:
[root@connections4 WASFixes]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/maintenance
[root@connections4 maintenance]# ls
[root@connections4 maintenance]#
5 | Go back to the Update Installer dialogue. Click Next.
6 | When prompted for Product Selection directory path, enter /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServerDemo. Click Next.
7 | At the Maintenance Operation Selection dialogue, select Install maintenance package. Click Next.
8 | At the Maintenance Package Directory Selection, select the path that contains the fix pack ( .pak) files. Click Next.
9 | At the Available Maintenance Package to Install dialogue, select the WASSDK and WAS packages. Click Next.
10 | At the Installation Summary dialogue, de-select the option Verify my permissions to perform this installation. Click Next.
11 | Result: After several minutes, the installation will complete with a status of Success. Click Relaunch. Once the Update Installer launches, continue on to Task 4, step 1 to install the fix packs required for IBM HTTP Server (IHS) and IHS Plug-in.
Task 4: Update IHS (web server) and Plugins to FP21
In this task, we will update the IBM HTTP Server and IBM HTTP Server Plugins to fix pack 21.
Step | Action |
1 | Remain logged in as user root. |
2 | The Update Installer dialogue should be open after clicking the Relaunch button. If not, start it by running from the UpdateInstaller directory shown below. Once started, click Next.
3 | When prompted for Product Selection directory path, select or enter the path to the HTTP Server. Click Next.
4 | At the Maintenance Operation Selection dialogue, select Install maintenance package. Click Next.
5 | At the Maintenance Package Directory Selection, select the path that contains the fix pack ( .pak) files. Click Next.
6 | At the Available Maintenance Package to Install dialogue, select the package
Click Next.
7 | At the Installation Summary dialogue, de-select the option Verify my permissions to perform this installation. Click Next.
8 | The installation will complete with a status of Success. Click Relaunch.
9 | When the Update Installer restarts, at the Product Selection directory path, select or enter the path to the HTTP Server Plugins. Click Next.
10 | At the Maintenance Operation Selection dialogue, select Install maintenance package. Click Next.
11 | At the Available Maintenance Package to Install dialogue, select the package
Click Next.
Note: Also select the WASSDK package if appears as an option. This needs to be installed with plugin .
12 | At the Installation Summary dialogue, de-select the option Verify my permissions to perform this installation. Click Next.
13 | Result: After several minutes, the installation will complete with a status of Success. You successfully installed the fix packs required for IBM HTTP Server (IHS) and IHS Plug-in. Do NOT click Relaunch or Finish. Leave dialogue box open and continue on to Task 5.
Task 5: Apply Additional Fixes
In this task, we will download and install five additional fixes required for the installation of Connections 4.
Step | Action |
1 | Remain logged in as user root. |
2 | |
3 | The Update Installer dialogue should still be open. Click Relaunch. The Update Installer dialogue should restart and prompt you for the Product Selection directory path. Select or enter the path used for WAS. Click Next.
4 | At the Maintenance Operation Selection dialogue, select Install maintenance package. Click Next.
5 | At the Maintenance Package Directory Selection, select the path that contains the fix pack ( .pak) files. Click Next.
6 | At the Available Maintenance Package to Install dialogue, select the following five packages:
Click Next.
7 | At the Installation Summary dialogue, de-select the option Verify my permissions to perform this installation. Click Next.
8 | The installation will complete with a status of Success. Click Finish.
9 | Result: You have successfully installed the remaining maintenance packages (a.k.a. fix packs) required. |
Time to move on to
Lesson 5: Installing DB2.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
If you receive the following error:
The update operation is not permitted on .
There is no valid maintenance package found in specified location.
Make sure the maintenance package has valid file extension .pak.
Verify that the path selected contains the fix pack (.pak) files.