Lesson 7 of a 10 part tutorial that walks through a single node installation of Connections on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 64 bit system. In this lesson, you will install a Domino LDAP Directory. At the end of this lesson, you will be able to install and configure a Domino LDAP server for use with Connections. This is necessary to configure a single node Connections 4.0 environment running on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 64 bit system.
ShowTable of Contents Overview
This tutorial walks through a single-node installation of IBM Connections on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 64-bit system . The first eight lessons are required to configure a working environment.
Lesson 1: Preparing your system
Lesson 2: Installing WebSphere Application Server (WAS)
Lesson 3: Installing IBM HTTP Server and Plugin
Lesson 4: Installing WAS Fix Packs
Lesson 5: Installing DB2
Lesson 6: Installing Tivoli Directory Integrator
Lesson 7: Installing a Domino LDAP Directory
Lesson 8: Intermediate Steps
Lesson 9: Installing IBM Connections 4.0
Lesson 10: Installing Cognos (optional - requires another VM with 4G RAM and 100G disk space)
Lesson objectives
Connections 4.0 requires an LDAP directory server. In this tutorial, we will use IBM Domino LDAP services.
In this lesson, you will install and configure IBM Domino Server for use with Connections 4.0.
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to install and configure the IBM Domino Server for use with Connections 4.0. At the end of this tutorial, you will be ready to install and configure a single-node IBM Connections 4.0 environment running on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 64-bit system.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Install the Domino Server
- Configure the Domino Server
- Prepare the Domino LDAP Server for use with Connections
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to install and configure the IBM Domino Server for use with Connections.
System requirements
A RHEL 6.3 64-bit machine with a minimum of 8G memory and 100G of disk space is required.
Task 1: Install Domino Server Software
In this task, we will locate and install the Domino Server software.
Step | Action |
1 | Locate the files shown below that were downloaded and extracted in Lesson 1, task 9. They should be in the directory /opt/install/Domino.
Part Number: CI1LBEN
Description: IBM Lotus Domino V8.5.3 32 bit Linux for xSeries English
Part Number: CI8JCEN
Description: IBM Lotus Domino Server V8.5.3 Fix Pack 2 for Linux on Intel English
Part Number: CI1LQEN
Description: IBM Lotus Notes, Domino Designer and Admin V8.5.3 for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 32 Bit English
Note: The Notes administration client will be setup on a Windows client as there is no Linux Admin client.
Note: If you do not have these files and need to download them, go to XL Software Downloads or IBM Passport Advantage On-line Web site. |
2 | The file extraction from Lesson 1, task 9, steps 3 & 4 created a directory structure under /opt/install/Domino. To copy the server program files to the machine, switch to the linux/domino directory and run ./install. When prompted to continue in graphic mode, type Yes. Click Enter.
At the dialogue for Lotus Domino Installer, click Next.
[root@connections4 Domino]# pwd
[root@connections4 domino]# ./install
Lotus Domino for Unix Install Program
Your DISPLAY is currently set to :1.0
Answer Yes to continue in graphic mode
Answer No to continue in console mode
Answer Exit to exit application.
Do you wish to continue in graphic mode?[Yes]
Yes <Enter>
Continuing in graphic mode
InstallShield Wizard
Note: For more information, see Installing Domino on UNIX Systems. |
3 | At the license dialogue, select I accept the terms in the license agreement. Click Next.
4 | At the next dialogue, do not select the option to Install Data Directories Only for Partitioned Domino Server. Click Next.
5 | At the dialogue for the Program Files Directory Name, enter the path /opt/ibm/lotus. Do not select the option to Install Domino Partitioned server. Click Next.
6 | At the dialogue for the Data Files Directory Name, enter the path /local/notesdata. Click Next.
7 | At the dialogue box Input Unix/Linux user name and group name panel, enter notes for both the User Name and Group Name fields. Click Next.
8 | At the dialogue for setup type, select Domino Enterprise Server. Click Next.
9 | Review the summary and confirm selections. What satisfied, click Next.
10 | The Domino server will install. This may take a few minutes.
11 | When the installation successfully completes, click Finish.
12 | Result: You have successfully installed the Domino Server. Continue on to task 2 where we configure the server. |
Task 2: Configure Domino Server
In this task, we will configure a Domino Server for use with IBM Connections.
Step | Action |
1 | To configure the Domino server, you must login as a user other than root. In this case, login as the notes user then switch directories to /local/notesdata. Run server using the path shown below:
[root@connections4 ~]# su - notes
[root@connections4 ~]$ cd /local/notesdata
[root@connections4 notesdata]$ /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server
For additional information, see Installing and setting up Domino servers |
2 | At the initial Server Setup, click Next.
3 | Select Setup the first server or a stand-alone server. Click Next.
4 | Give the server a name. It is recommended you use the host name of the computer running Domino. Click Next.
5 | Give the server an organization name. An organizational certifier file will be created and is password protected, so a password is also required. Click Next.
6 | Create a Domino domain name for the server and any future Domino servers. Click Next.
7 | Specify an Administrator for the server. An ID will be created which requires a password. Click Next.
8 | Select Directory Services (LDAP services). Click Next.
9 | Verify that the TCP/IP port driver is enabled and that the correct host name is specified. Click Next.
10 | Keep the defaults selected to Prohibit Anonymous access to all databases and templates and Add LocalDomainAdmins group to all databases and templates. Click Next.
11 | Verify the settings. Click Setup.
12 | A few minutes will pass while setup occurs. At the Setup summary, click Finish.
13 | To start the Domino server, login as the notes user. Switch to the /local/notesdata directory. Run server using the path shown below:
[root@connections4 ~]# su - notes
[root@connections4 ~]$ cd /local/notesdata
[root@connections4 notesdata]$ /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server
14 | Result: You have successfully configured and started the IBM Domino server |
Task 3: Prepare for use with LDAP
In this task, we will create two test users and verify that the LDAP task is running and functional.
Step | Action |
1 | With the Domino server started, verify that the LDAP task is loaded and that the LDAP server is running. From the Domino server console, type Show Tasks (or sh ta).
> sh ta
Task Description
Database Server Perform console commands
Database Server Listen for connect requests on TCPIP
LDAP Server Listen for connect requests on TCP Port:389
LDAP Server Utility task
LDAP Server Control task
2 | From a Domino Administration client, register the following two users for use with Connections. For additional information about registering Domino users, see Setting up Notes users from the Domino Administrator Help guide.
User #1:
LDAP Admin/C4Tut
cn=LDAP Admin, o=C4Tut
Short name: LDAPAdmin
User #2:
Cognos Admin/C4Tut
cn=Cognos Admin, o=C4Tut
Short name: CogAdmin
To set the internet password to the same value as the user's Notes ID password, click Password Options. At the dialogue, select Set Internet Password. Click OK to return to the user registration. See here for additional information on registering Notes users using the Domino Administrator.
3 | Now we will verify that the user accounts just created can complete LDAP searches to the Domino LDAP server. To do this, go to the Notes client used to register the Domino users. Locate the Notes program directory and search for the ldapsearch.exe utility. Issue a search similar to the ones below providing your hostname and the internet password you set for these users:
C:\notes>ldapsearch -L -h connections4.xxx.yyy.yourco.com -D "cn=ldap admin,o=C4tut" -w password (cn=cognos admin)"
C:\notes>ldapsearch -L -h connections4.xxx.yyy.yourco.com -D "cn=cognos admin,o=C4tut" -w password "(cn=LDAP Admin)"
You should receive search results similar to the following:
C:\notes>ldapsearch -L -h connections4.xxx.yyy.yourco.com -D "cn=ldap admin,o=C4tut" -w password (cn=cognos admin)"
dn: CN=Cognos Admin,O=C4Tut
cn: Cognos Admin
mail: CognosAdmin@connections4.xxx.yyy.yourco.com
displayname: Cognos Admin/C4Tut
objectclass: dominoPerson
userpassword: (G3TFwLdtP5U+9Pkn1kPd)
C:\notes>ldapsearch -L -h connections4.xxx.yyy.yourco.com -D "cn=cognos admin,o=C4tut" -w password "(cn=LDAP Admin)"
dn: CN=LDAP Admin,O=C4Tut
cn: LDAP Admin
mail: LDAPAdmin@connections4.xxx.yyy.yourco.com
displayname: LDAP Admin/C4Tut
givenname: LDAP
sn: Admin
uid: LDAPAdmin
maildomain: C4Tut
4 | Result: You have successfully prepared the Domino LDAP server for use with Connections. |