You can set a size limit on a Files library by creating a policy that defines the size limit, and then assigning that policy to the library.
See the IBM Lotus Connections 2.5 information center topic Files administrative commands for more information on any of the commands in this article:
1. Create a new policy
a. Open a command window and start the wsadmin command line tool.
b. Start the Files script with one of the following commands:
Network deployment:
c. Enter the following command: FilesPolicyService.add (title=[policy title] maximumSize=[number of bytes]. For example:
FilesPolicyService.add(title="Special Users Policy" maximumSize=500000000)
This creates a new policy titled "Special Users Policy" with a maximum size of 500 million bytes. The value of the maximumSize attribute must be zero or greater. A value of zero means the size is unlimited.
d. Note the new policy ID when it is returned in the following standard Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) format: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.
2. Find the user library ID
a. Enter the following command: FilesLibraryService.getPersonalByOwnerId(ownerId="[owner ID]"). For example:
This returns information on the personal library of the owner provided. You can find a person's owner ID in their Files URL address, for example:
A person's owner ID can also be retrieved by using FilesMemberService.getByEmail(string email). Note: You can also use the FilesLibraryService.browsePersonal command to return a list of personal libraries, or use the FilesLibraryService.browseCommunity command to return a list of community libraries.
3. Assign the policy to the user library
a. Enter the following command: FilesLibraryService.assignPolicy(libraryId=[user library id], policyId=[id of policy created in Step 1]). For example:
FilesLibraryService.assignPolicy(libraryId="ef8ed3e2-22c0-4f20-aa53-bdc6b262abbd", policyId="9ddb97f0-cea5-49fd-9158-06e45b01cd46")
Instead of creating a new policy, you can assign an existing policy to libraries. Use the FilesPolicyService.browse command to return a list of all policies, specifying the sortOption attribute to maximumSize to sort the list according to maximum size. For example:
FilesPolicyService.browse(sortOption="maximumSize", sortAscending="false", pageNumber=1, itemsPerPage=50)
This returns a list of policies sorted by maximumSize value. It shows the first page containing 50 items. You can easily find a policy in the returned list with the quota you want. Then follow Step 3 above to assign the policy to the group's library.
If no existing policy has the size limit you want, you can use the FilesPolicyService.edit command to edit an existing policy. For example:
FilesPolicyService.edit(policyId="9ddb97f0-cea5-49fd-9158-06e45b01cd46", title="Existing Policy", maximumSize=500000000)
This changes the "Existing Policy" policy to 500 million bytes. |