Having a vast experience in architect design, remove IBM HTTP server including plugins while deploying IBM Connections.
See how to implement WebSphere Proxy Server in place of IBM HTTP server so I create LAB for this project
LAB Scenario
Technical Information of IBM Connection Server
Processor: 2 x2
HDD 2x: 50GB /-
NIC: Single 10/1000 MBPS
Software (Single Server)
OS: Linux RHEL 6.4
Directory Service: LDAP {Active Directory}
Database: IBM DB2 10.5 fp5 (Enterprise)
WAS: 8.5.5 fixpack 9
Installation Manager: 1.8
IBM Connections: 5.0
Mail Server: IBM Domino 9.0.2 FP2 (Social Ed.)
System Information
Directory Server (Active Directory) Hostname: domain.contoso.com
IBM connections Server Hostname: labs.contoso.com
Mail Sever: mail.contoso.com
Websphere Deployment Manager Information
Cell name: labsCell01
Node name: labsCellManager01
Administrative console port: 9060
Administrative console secure port: 9043
Bootstrap port: 9809
SOAP connector port: 8879
Ports Information
Default : 80 443 9081 9444 5060 5061
Virtual Host
After installation complete of IBM Connections, create virtual host
Logon Deployment Manager
Environment à Virtual hosts à New à {Name_of_virtualHost} à Apply
Virtual hosts à LC_hosts à Host Aliases à [New] à [Host_name] / [port]
Virtual host mapping
Change all Enterprise applications virtual host except from default to LC_hosts except [default application and oEmbed]
Applications à WebSphere enterprise Applications à [Applications] à [Virtual hosts] à Map [web module] / Virtual host [LC_hosts] à OK
Enterprise Applications at a glance
WebSphere Proxy Server
Create WPS [WebSphere Proxy Server]
Servers à Server Types à WebSphere Proxy Servers à New à Select Node [nodeName] / Server Name [serverName] à Next
Uncheck [SIP] à Next
à Next
à Finish
Master Configuration Changes [Save]
System Administration à Save changes to master repository
check [Synchronize changes with nodes] à Save
Update IBM Connections ‘URL’
Update Connections URL to access applciations
Check Out
a) # sed -n '/http:/p' /tmp/LotusConnections-config.xml (a)
b) # sed -n '/https:/p' /tmp/LotusConnections-config.xml (a)
Check In
[root @ labs bin]# ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -username {wasAdmin} -password xxxxxxx
Loading schema file for validation: /tmp/LotusConnections-config.xsd
Loading schema file for validation: /tmp/service-location.xsd
/tmp/LotusConnections-config.xml is valid
Connections configuration file successfully checked in
URL ‘Redirection’
Environment à URI Groups à New [Fill required values] à Apply
Routing Rule
Servers à Server Types à WebSphere Proxy Servers à Http_Proxy à Routing rule à New
Name: ICS_Rules
Name of the Virtual Host: LC_hosts
URI group: https_uri_group
Redirect URL: https://labs.contoso.com/homepage
à Apply [Save]
Routing rule at a glance
Start IBM Connections Sever with WPS [WebSphere Proxy Server]
[root @ labs bin]# cd $APPS_HOME /bin
[root @ lab bin]# ./startServer.sh ics_cluster01_server1 && ./startServer Http_Proxy
Now logon to: http://labs.contoso.com
It will redirect your page: https://labs.contoso.com/homepage [Secure Access]
User id: [Ldap Based User id]
Password: [xxxxxxxxxxx]
My Files