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The SDK comes with JavaScript APIs to easily access IBM Connections Cloud. Watch this video for a short overview of the SDK.
IBM provides a Playground on IBM Greenhouse where developers can run code snippets using the JavaScript APIs of the SDK against test environments in the cloud. Watch the video to understand how to use the Playground.
With the Playground, you can easily write your own first snippets. To add snippets, you must first log in. Once you log in, a New Snippet button appears. Read Using the Playground for more details.
Code your First App
- In the Playground, select Social > Profiles > Get Profile. The editor loads the sample snippet which gets the user’s profile.
- Modify the code and click “Run” to test the changes.
You can also run a simple sample web application a local Eclipse IDE and Tomcat. Follow the step-by-step
instructions to set up the sample against IBM Connections, hosted on Greenhouse. The
video describes the additional steps to set up the same sample against IBM Connections Cloud.
Learn More
To find out what functionality the SDK provides, read the JavaScript API documentation.
Watch this webinar to learn how to use Connections Cloud SDK in HTML/Javascript applications