Basic Terminologies
The word occurs in the name of many reports, such as: Number of unique contributors, Number of unique downloaded files etc.
“Unique” means, in the particular segment, the target statistical objects will be distinguished to remove the duplication from the number of the report.
Take Number of unique downloaded files as the example. Show the report in last 7 days: 10/1/2012 ~ 10/7/2012. There are total 10 files(File1~File10) were ever downloaded during this time frame.
Days | Files download history | Number of unique downloaded files |
| | 3 //(File2,File5,File6) |
| | 1 //(File8) |
| | 2 //(File1,File3) |
| | 4 //(File4,File5,File8,File10) |
| | 1 //(File7) |
| | 2 //(File2,File6) |
| File9 | 1 //(File9) |
In this sample, the segment is day. Within each day, no matter how many times one files was downloaded, it will only contribute 1 to the report value of that day.
Metrics will not provide Total value for unique reports on the overall data range. That means when select last 7 days, the report can tell you the unique number for each individual day, but it cannot offer a total number of unique downloaded files in the overall 7 days. It is same with other date range with different segment, such as last 4 weeks, last quarter or last 12 months etc.
Instead of Total, unique reports provide another overall number --MAX. The MAX value is the biggest number among all individual segment points. For this example, the MAX value is 4 which occurred at 10/04/2012.
Unique reports don't support all years and customized date range.
The word is mainly used in report “Number of unique authenticated visitors”. It is similar with the concept of log in. The visitor term is applicable for overall Connection, a separate Application(such as Communities, Wikis or Blogs) or a single application instance(such as a wiki instance).
Once an authenticated user becomes a visitor of one object, he/she will be naturally regarded as a visitor of its parent level object. For example, a user accessed a wiki page by a direct link, the user became the visitor of the wiki instance which contains the wiki page. At same time, he/she also was the visitor of Wikis application, and whole Connection system. In addition, if the wiki instance located in a community. The user was also the visitor of this community instance and Communities application.
Visitor implicitly has the unique character. That means, as the above sample, no matter how many times in one day the user logs in the connection to read the wiki page, he will only be counted as 1 visitor in that day.
As unique metrics, the number of unique authenticated visitors reports don't support all years customized date range.
The word is mainly used in report “Number of visits”. It bases on the read behavior. The visit term is applicable for overall Connection, a separate Application(such as Communities, Wikis or Blogs), a single application instance(such as a wiki instance) or an entry level object(such as a wiki page).
Once one object is visited, its parent level object will be naturally visited. For example, a wiki page was accessed by a user through a direct link, then the wiki page is visited one time. At the same time, the wiki instance which contains the wiki page was also visited one time, and the Wikis application, and whole Connection system were also visited one time. In addition, if the wiki page located in a community. The community instance and Communities application were visited as well.
Visit number is counted on the times, which means, if a wiki page was accessed 10 times in one day, then the number of visits of this page is 10 in this day.
However, the thing will be a little different for the visit number on instance or application level. We call wiki page as entry level object, just like a blog entry, a file or a forum topic. Oppositely, the wiki, blog and forum which contain the entry level objects are instance level objects. All wiki instances belong to Wikis application. The visit number for the instance and application level is relevant with the login session. The meaning is, within one login session, no matter how many times one instance were visited, the instance will only be counted as being visited one time.
For example, a user logs in the connection and locate to one wiki instance, then the wiki instance is visited one time here. After a while, the user turns to another application for some business, such as Blogs. Sometimes later he comes back the wiki instance he visited perviously. In this case, the visit number of the wiki instance will still be 1, but not be increased to 2, as the user is still in the same session since he logged in. If the session expires, the user visits the wiki instance again after re-logging in the connection in a new session, the visits number of this wiki instance will be increased by 1.
The metrics started with word Most or Top are usually to show the vitality of items or people in connection organization. The metrics present the report in a ranking list. Every Most/Top metrics has its particular measures to rank the statistic target. All the factors involved in the calculation will be displayed as columns of the ranking table.
Most/Top reports don't support customized date range.
Metrics Report Categories
Number of new items metrics
In this category, the reports present the data in the trend chart. They simply show how many new items were created in a date point. Depend on the segment you choose, the date point could be day, week, month or year.
In IC4.0, only creating behavior will be counted. The deleting action has no impact to the report value. For example, at one day, 5 new wiki pages were totally created, and 2 of these new pages were deleted later in the same day, then in Number of new wiki pages metrics, the number at this day is 5, not 3.
Number of new items reports will provide a total number for a certain date rang by adding up all the date points value within the selected date range.
- List of Number of new items metrics
Global Metrics |
Metrics name | Application | Description |
Number of new status updates | Overall | Displays the number of status updates posted across Connections in the specific time frame. Currently, status updates are only from Profiles and Communities. |
Number of new updates | Overall | Displays the number of updates occurred across Connections in the specific time frame. The updates include all create and update actions.
Note: If the update happened in a community inside application, such as community wiki, it will only count to the updates number of this application, but will not count to the community application. Only the community self update , such as change name, will count to community updates number.
Number of new activities | Activities | Displays the number of activities created in the specific time frame, include both stand alone and community activities. |
Number of new blogs | Blogs | Displays the number of blogs created in the specific time frame, include both stand alone and community blogs. |
Number of new entries | Blogs | Displays the number of blog entries created in the specific time frame, include both stand alone and community blogs. |
Number of new entry comments | Blogs | Displays the number of comments for blog entry created in the specific time frame, include both stand alone and community blogs. |
Number of new bookmarks | Bookmarks | Displays the number of bookmarks created in the specific time frame, include both stand alone and community bookmarks. |
Number of new communities | Communities | Displays the number of communities created in the specific time frame. |
Number of new status updates | Communities | Displays the number of status updates posted from communities in the specific time frame. |
Number of new updates | Communities | Displays the number of updates occurred across communities in the specific time frame. The updates include all create and update actions. |
Number of new files | Files | Displays the number of files created in the specific time frame, include both personal file libraries and community file libraries. |
Number of new forum topics | Forums | Displays the number of forum topics created in the specific time frame, include both stand alone forums and community forums. |
Number of new forums | Forums | Displays the number of forums created in the specific time frame, include both stand alone forums and community forums. |
Number of new topic replies | Forums | Displays the number of forum topic replies created in the specific time frame, include both stand alone forums and community forums. |
Number of new rejected items | Moderation | Displays the number of item rejected by moderation in the specific time frame, the items could be files and comments, blog entries and comments, forum topics and replies. |
Number of new status updates | Profiles | Displays the number of status updates posted from profiles in the specific time frame. |
Number of new wiki pages | Wikis | Displays the number of wiki pages created in the specific time frame, include both stand alone wikis and community wikis. |
Number of new wikis | Wikis | Displays the number of wikis created in the specific time frame, include both stand alone wikis and community wikis. |
Community Metrics |
Number of new members | Overall | Displays the number of people who joined this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of members who left the community | Overall | Displays the number of people who removed from this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of new updates | Overall | Displays the number of updates occurred in this community in the specific time frame. The updates include all create and update actions. |
Number of new activities | Activities | Displays the number of activities created in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of new entries | Blogs | Displays the number of blog entries created in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of new entry comments | Blogs | Displays the number of comments for blog entry created in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of new files | Files | Displays the number of files created in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of new forum topics | Forums | Displays the number of forum topics in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of new topic replies | Forums | Displays the number of replies for forum topic in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of new graduated ideas | Ideation Blog | Displays the number of graduated ideas in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of new ideas | Ideation Blog | Displays the number of ideas in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of new wiki pages | Wikis | Displays the number of wiki pages in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique items metrics
This kind of metrics show the report data in the trend chart. The value in a date point stands for the unique number of statistical target . Depend on the segment you choose, the date point could be day, week or month. The unique metrics doesn't support All years and Custom date range.
Number of unique items metrics can not provide a total number for the selected date range, as the substitution, the unique report will indicate a Max unique value of the all date points within the selected date range.
Global Metrics |
Metrics name | Application | Description |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Overall | Displays the number of people who logged in to Connections from any applications in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique contributors | Overall | Displays the number of contributors across Connections in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in Connection.
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Activities | Displays the number of people who logged in to Activities in the specific time frame, include both stand alone activities and community activities. |
Number of unique contributors | Activities | Displays the number of contributors of Activities in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in both stand alone and community Activities. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Blogs | Displays the number of people who logged in to Blogs in the specific time frame, include both stand alone blogs and community blogs. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Bookmarks | Displays the number of people who logged in to Bookmarks in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Communities | Displays the number of people who logged in to Communities in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique contributors | Communities | Displays the number of contributors of Communities in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in Communities. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Files | Displays the number of people who logged in to Files in the specific time frame, include both personal file libraries and community file libraries. |
Number of unique contributors | Files | Displays the number of contributors of Files in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in both personal file libraries and community file libraries. |
Number of unique downloaded files | Files | Displays the number of files downloaded in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique people who downloaded files | Files | Displays the number of people who downloaded files in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique people who shared files | Files | Displays the number of people who shared files in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Forums | Displays the number of people who logged in to Forums in the specific time frame, include both stand alone forums and community forums. |
Number of unique contributors | Forums | Displays the number of contributors of Forums in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or replied to on content in both stand alone and community Forums. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Homepage | Displays the number of people who logged in to Homepages in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Profiles | Displays the number of people who logged in to Profiles in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique followed people | Profiles | Displays the number of people who were followed in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique people who updated their profile | Profiles | Displays the number of people who updated their profile in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Wikis | Displays the number of people who logged in to Wikis in the specific time frame, include both stand alone wikis and community wikis. |
Number of unique contributors | Wikis | Displays the number of contributors of Wikis in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in both stand alone and community Wikis. |
Community Metrics |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Overall | Displays the number of people who logged in to this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique contributors | Overall | Displays the number of contributors in this community in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in Community. |
Number of people following the community | Overall | Displays the number of people who followed this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Activities | Displays the number of people who logged in to this community activity in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique contributors | Activities | Displays the number of contributors in this community activity in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in this community activity. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Blogs | Displays the number of people who logged in to this community blog in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique contributors | Blogs | Displays the number of contributors in this community blog in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in this community blog. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Files | Displays the number of people who logged in to this community file library in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique contributors | Files | Displays the number of contributors in this community file in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in this community file library. |
Number of unique downloaded files | Files | Displays the number of files downloaded in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique people who downloaded files | Files | Displays the number of people who downloaded files in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique people who shared files | Files | Displays the number of people who shared files in this community in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Forums | Displays the number of people who logged in to this community forum in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique contributors | Forums | Displays the number of contributors in this community forum in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or replied to on content in this community forum. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Ideation Blog | Displays the number of people who logged in to this community ideation blog in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique contributors | Ideation Blog | Displays the number of contributors in this community ideation blog in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in this community ideation blog. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Media Gallery | Displays the number of people who logged in to this community media gallery in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique contributors | Media Gallery | Displays the number of contributors in this community media gallery in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in this community media gallery. |
Number of unique authenticated visitors | Wikis | Displays the number of people who logged in to this community wiki in the specific time frame. |
Number of unique contributors | Wikis | Displays the number of contributors in this community wiki in the specific time frame. The contributor is the people who posted, updated, or commented on content in this community wiki. |
Number of visits metrics
The Metrics show the report data in the trend chart. The value in a date point means how many times the statistical target was visited. Depend on the segment you choose, the date point could be day, week, month or year.
We have introduced the “visit” concept earlier. The visit metrics are applicable for application instance, application and overall connection.
Number of visits reports will provide a total number for a certain date rang by adding up all the visit values within the selected date range.
Global Metrics |
Metrics name | Application | Description |
Number of visits | Overall | Displays the number of visits to Connections from any applications in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the application level visit. That means, in one log in session, no matter how many instances of one application are visited, it will only contribute 1 visit to this metrics as an application visit.
When visit a community inside application, that will possibly generate 2 visits number, one for the inside application, one for the communities application.
Number of visits | Activities | Displays the number of visits to Activities in the specific time frame.
This metrics only count the application level Activities visit.
Number of visits | Blogs | Displays the number of visits to Blogs in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the application level Blogs visit.
Number of visits | Bookmarks | Displays the number of visits to Bookmarks in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the application level Bookmarks visit.
Number of visits | Communities | Displays the number of visits to Communities in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the application level Communities visit.
Number of visits | Files | Displays the number of visits to Files in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the application level Files visit.
Number of visits | Forums | Displays the number of visits to Forums in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the application level Forums visit.
Number of visits | Homepage | Displays the number of visits to Homepage in the specific time frame. |
Number of visits | Profiles | Displays the number of visits to Profiles in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit. |
Number of visits | Wikis | Displays the number of visits to Wikis in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the application level Wikis visit.
Community Metrics |
Number of visits | Overall | Displays the number of visits to this community in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the visit on this community instance level. That means, in one log in session, no matter how many times this community is visited from no matter what application, it will only contribute 1 visit number to this metrics.
The Number of visits in overall will be inconsistent with the total visit numbers of break down applications. The reason is, in one log in session, one community will be visited many times through different applications, such as visit from wikis in this community, then visit from files in this community. As the overall perspective, the community instance is visited only 1 time, but for the individual application, the wikis and files all are visited 1 time for each. So the sum of visit numbers of individual applications is 2, but overall community visit number is 1.
Number of visits | Activities | Displays the number of visits to this community activity in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the visit on this community activity widget level. That means, in one log in session, no matter how many times this community activity is visited, it will only contribute 1 visit number to this metrics.
Number of visits | Blogs | Displays the number of visits to this community blog in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the visit on this community blog widget level. That means, in one log in session, no matter how many times this community blog is visited, it will only contribute 1 visit number to this metrics.
Number of visits | Files | Displays the number of visits to this community file library in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the visit on this community file widget level. That means, in one log in session, no matter how many times this community file library is visited, it will only contribute 1 visit number to this metrics.
Number of visits | Forums | Displays the number of visits to this community forum in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the visit on this community forum widget level. That means, in one log in session, no matter how many times this community forum is visited, it will only contribute 1 visit number to this metrics.
Number of visits | Ideation Blog | Displays the number of visits to this community ideation blog in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the visit on this community ideation blog widget level. That means, in one log in session, no matter how many times this community ideation blog is visited, it will only contribute 1 visit number to this metrics.
Number of visits | Media Gallery | Displays the number of visits to this community media gallery in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the visit on this community media gallery widget level. That means, in one log in session, no matter how many times this community media gallery is visited, it will only contribute 1 visit number to this metrics.
Number of visits | Wikis | Displays the number of visits to this community wiki in the specific time frame, include anonymous and authenticated visit.
This metrics only count the visit on this community wiki widget level. That means, in one log in session, no matter how many times this community wiki is visited, it will only contribute 1 visit number to this metrics.
Most active items metrics
The most active metrics present the report in a ranking table. The items in the table are ordered by the vitality within a selected date range. The applicable date ranges for most active metrics are Last 7 days, Last 4 weeks, Last quarter and Last 12 months. It doesn't support All years and Custom.
Most active metrics provide the reports in four levels:
- Entry level: Such as most active wiki pages. The metrics are usually provided in community metrics.
- Instance level: Such as most active blogs. The metrics are usually provided in global metrics.
- Application level: Just one metrics report “Most popular apps” in global metrics.
- People level: Just one metrics report “Top contributors” in community metrics.
Global Metrics |
Metrics name | Application | Description |
Most active apps | Overall | Displays Connections apps ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on visits, creates, updates, follows, recommendations, comments, votes, downloads and Replies.
All factors will just be added up to compare between the applications.
Most active activities | Activities | Displays activities ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on visits, creates, updates, follows and comments.
All factors will just be added up to compare between the activities.
Note: Some inapplicable factors are also presented in that ranking table, but the values will always be 0.
Most active blogs | Blogs | Displays blogs ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on visits, creates, updates, follows, recommendations and comments.
All factors will just be added up to compare between the blogs.
Note: Some inapplicable factors are also presented in that ranking table, but the values will always be 0.
Most active communities | Communities | Displays communities ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on visits, creates, updates, follows, recommendations, comments, votes, downloads and Replies.
All factors will just be added up to compare between the communities.
Note: The community usage is from its inside applications.
Most active file libraries | Files | Displays file libraries ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on visits, creates, updates, follows, recommendations, comments and downloads.
All factors will just be added up to compare between the file libraries.
Note: Some inapplicable factors are also presented in that ranking table, but the values will always be 0.
Most active forums | Forums | Displays forums ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on visits, creates, updates, follows and replies.
All factors will just be added up to compare between the forums.
Note: Some inapplicable factors are also presented in that ranking table, but the values will always be 0.
Most active wikis | Wikis | Displays wikis ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on visits, creates, updates, follows and recommendations and comments.
All factors will just be added up to compare between the wikis.
Note: Some inapplicable factors are also presented in that ranking table, but the values will always be 0.
Community Metrics |
Top contributors | Overall | Displays contributors to this community ranked by contributions in the specific time frame, based on how much the contents created by the contributors are read/downloaded, recommended and commented/replied.
Note: The factors have different weight for each. By default, [read/downloaded]:[recommended]:[commented/replied] is [0.8]:[0.15]:[0.05]
Most active content | Overall | Displays contents in this community across applications ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on reads, downloads and replies.
Note: Only blog entries, wiki pages, forum topics and files will be involved in the ranking.
Most active activities | Activities | Displays activities in this communities ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on visits, creates, updates, follows and comments.
All factors will just be added up to compare between the activities in this communities.
Note: Some inapplicable factors are also presented in that ranking table, but the values will always be 0.
Most active entries | Blogs | Displays blog entries in this community ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on reads, recommendations and comments.
Note: The factors have different weight for each. By default, [reads]:[recommendations]:[comments] is [0.7]:[0.2]:[0.1]
Most active files | Files | Displays files in this community ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on downloads, recommendations and comments.
Note: The factors have different weight for each. By default, [downloads]:[recommendations]:[comments] is [0.7]:[0.2]:[0.1]
Most active forum topics | Forums | Displays forum topics in this community ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on reads, replies and pins.
Note: The factors have different weight for each. By default, [reads]:[replies]:[pins] is [0.7]:[0.2]:[0.1]
Most active ideas | Ideation Blog | Displays ideas in this community ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on reads, comments and votes.
Note: The factors have different weight for each. By default, [reads]:[comments]:[votes] is [0.4]:[0.1]:[0.5]
Most active wiki pages | Wikis | Displays wiki pages in this community ranked by usage in the specific time frame, based on reads, recommendations and comments.
Note: The factors have different weight for each. By default, [reads]:[recommendations]:[comments] is [0.7]:[0.2]:[0.1]
Other Most metrics
Some metrics also show report in the ranking table, but the measure would be sample. The order could be decided by only one factor, such as “Most followed people”. The only effective action is follow.
As same as the other most active metrics, these metrics only support Last 7 days, Last 4 weeks, Last quarter and Last 12 months, but not All years and Custom.
Global Metrics |
Metrics name | Application | Description |
Most followed content | Overall | Displays the content posts across Connections ranked by number of followers in the specific time frame. |
Most active bookmarks | Bookmarks | Displays bookmarks ranked by the number of times they were visited in the specific time frame. |
People with the most new followers | Profiles | Displays people ranked by number of new followers in the specific time frame. |
People with the most followers overall | Profiles | Displays people ranked by total number of followers. |
Community Metrics |
Most visited media | Media Gallery | Displays media in this community ranked by the number of visits in the specific time frame. |
Most active bookmarks | Bookmarks | Displays bookmarks in this community ranked by the number of times they were visited in the specific time frame. |
About the authors
Zhi Gang Lin is a Staff Software Engineer working for IBM since 2007. His current role is as the Team Lead for Functional Verification Test for the Metrics feature in IBM Connections, before which he worked on Moderation in Connections, Lotus Quickr, and Quickr & ECM integration. He can be contacted at