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Vacation/Leave Request: Invalid Approver name causes Leave Document not be to edited again

Technote Number: 1237783

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# YFWI6PMGY6 and was fixed
in 7.0.2.

Refer to the Upgrade Central site for details on upgrading Notes/Domino.

There are three workarounds for this issue in previous versions:

Workaround #1:
Press the F9 key to refresh the document. If the name is not found, you can
choose a new name or cancel the dialog and enter a name manually.

Workaround #2:
If you inadvertently create a document with an incorrect name, simply delete
the errant Leave Request document and compose a new one

Workaround #3:
You can modify the Save & Send button of the Leave Request form to implement a
check of the Approver name before sending. Directions for modifying the code
are below. NOTE: IBM WILL NOT SUPPORT THIS CHANGE. It is recommended that this
change only be made if you are proficient with @Formulas and are comfortable
with making unsupported changes to production template code.

Open Designer.
In the Mail template, make a backup copy of the Leave Request form.
Open the Leave Request form in Designer.
Select the Save & Send action.
Find the line:
FIELD StatusDate := @Now;
Enter a new line below the line in step 6.
Add the following code at the blank line:
list := @NameLookup([NoUpdate]; ManagerName; "Fullname");
@If(@Trim(list) = ""; @Return(@Prompt([Ok]; "Approver Not Found"; "You must
provide a valid approver name")); "");
Save and close the form.
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