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Issues opening or viewing files created by exporting memo to .RTF format

Technote Number: 1156923

These issues were reported to Quality Engineering in a number of Software
Problem Reports (SPRs):

-- The hang/crash issue was fixed in Notes 6.5.2/6.0.4 (SPR# MGAN5URTV8). This
fix affected consecutive end-of-table tags which were introduced by the use of
nested tables.

-- Further improvements related to formatting as well as to the hang/crash were
also made in Notes 6.5.4/6.0.5 (SPR# KMCL5Y4SWX).

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.0.5 / 6.5.4 MR fix list
(available at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus):

SPR# KMCL5Y4SWX - Exporting to RTF results in error messages and badly
formatted Word documents. We fixed a problem that resulted in begin/end table
mismatched tags - and error messages in Word. We also improved the general
look/pagination of the exported document by 80-90% for low to medium complexity
mail messages. Problems relating to formatted tables will be fixed in another

-- SPR# AANA647HE7: being used to track additional formatting issues including
some table formatting issues.

-- SPR# AMOR66JJ3Q: being used to track additional formatting issues observed
when the document contains an attachment.

-- SPR# RCHN667PD2: being used to track additional formatting issues observed
when the document contains an embedded object.

-- SPR# COY3N5QT8: introduced an enhancement to the export filters made in
Notes 6.0.1, that tracks additional functionality that included header
information during export.

Create a form that doesn't use tables and/or formulas, and then use View -->
Switch Form to use the new form to display the document while exporting.
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