Technote Number: 1089721
This issue was reported to Quality Engineering in as SPR# MGAN5LPTMS, and was
addressed in Domino 6.5.5.
Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.5.5 MR fix list (available at
Document UI
SPR# TSNG65JEV7 - Documents in the "Pers" folder were removed immediately even
with soft deletion disabled. This regression was introduced in 6.0.3 and fixed
in 6.5.5.
Refer to the Upgrade Central site for details on upgrading Notes/Domino.
This issue can occur for the following reasons:
The ND6 mail templates ship with the Advanced Database Property "Allow soft
deletions" enabled:
This means the documents have not actually been deleted. The documents can be
found in the Trash folder, and undeleted using one of the Remove actions
provided in the Trash folder. The documents will not be permanently deleted
from the database until the soft deletion expiration time has elapsed. This
property is found on the Advanced Database 'beanie' tab and is labeled "Soft
delete expire time in hours". The value's default value in the mail template
is 48.
Note: The same behavior does not occur in other databases when "Allow soft
deletions" is enabled because the ND6 mail templates have additional
functionality which refreshes the View or Folder immediately as the document is
marked for deletion.
To disable the soft deletions functionality, select File -> Database ->
Properties -> Beanie tab and uncheck the "Allow soft deletions" property. Soft
deletions are enabled by default by design. For more information on this topic,
refer to document 194006, "Soft Deletions Are Enabled by Default on Standard
and Extended Mail Templates in Notes 6".
The folder or view the document was deleted from has a name or alias
alphabetically greater than the word "Task":
There is a flaw present in the Notes 6.0 thru 6.0.2 mail template LotusScript
code within the Database script's QueryDocumentDelete event. If the source
folder or view has a name (or alias) alphabetically after the word "Task", the
document is marked for deletion and the view is also refreshed. This results in
the document being immediately deleted if the use of soft deletions has been
For versions 6.0 through 6.02, use a folder or view name which is
alphabetically before Task".
The long-term fix is to edit the QueryDocumentDelete event in the Database
Script and modify the code found at approximately line 168. The original code
may look slightly different, depending on which template is used:
6.0 - 6.0.2 code:
' if C&S View or Note is Open in UI then....
Elseif strViewName="" Or ( Strcompare(strViewName, "Calendar") = 0 Or
Strcompare(strViewName, "Meetings") = 0 _
Or Strcompare(strViewName, "MiniView - Notices2") = 0 Or Instr(1,
strViewName, "Todo") > 0 _
Or Strcompare( strViewName, "Task")>=0 ) Then
6.5/6.0.3 and later code:
' if C&S View or Note is Open in UI then....
Elseif strViewName="" Or ( Strcompare(strViewName, "Calendar") = 0 Or
Strcompare(strViewName, "Meetings") = 0 _
Or Strcompare(strViewName, "MiniView - Notices2") = 0 Or _
rsonal",strViewName)>0 Then
Regardless of which template is used, modify it to the following:
' if C&S View or Note is Open in UI then....
Elseif strViewName="" Or ( Strcompare(strViewName, "Calendar") = 0 Or
Strcompare(strViewName, "Meetings") = 0 _
Or Strcompare(strViewName, "MiniView - Notices2") = 0 Or _
Or Strcompare(strViewName, "Tasks") = 0 _
Or Strcompare(strViewName, "TodoByCategory") = 0 _
Or Strcompare(strViewName, "TodoByPriority") = 0 _
Or Strcompare(strViewName, "TodoCompleted") = 0 _
Or Strcompare(strViewName, "ToDoGroup") = 0 _
Or Strcompare(strViewName, "TodoByStatus") = 0 _
Or Strcompare(strViewName, "TodoPersonal") = 0) Then
Supporting Information:
Excerpt from the R6 On-line Help:
When you delete mail messages in Lotus Notes 6, Notes places them in the Trash
folder in your mail database, without requiring a view refresh as in previous
releases. The messages stay in the Trash folder for the time specified in your
mail preferences under "Soft Delete," or until you explicitly delete them from
trash. This staged deletion gives you a chance to retrieve messages if you make
a mistake.
Note If you choose Actions - Tools - Preferences and don't see "Soft Delete
expire time in hours" on the Basics tab, your organization may have modified
the design of your mail database, and you may need to manage your Trash folder
through the user preferences. Ask your administrator for assistance.
To delete a message
1. In any mail folder or view except Trash, select one or more messages you
want to delete.
2. From the menu, choose Edit - Delete. Notes moves the document(s) to your
Trash folder and out of all other folders and views in your mail database.
Tip To remove a message from a folder without deleting it from your mail
database, select the message and choose Actions - Folder - Remove From Folder.
To work with messages in the Trash folder
Messages appear in the Trash folder until they are permanently deleted. You can
remove them from the Trash folder and restore them to the view or folder from
which they were originally deleted. You can also permanently delete selected
messages or all messages.
1. In the navigation pane, click the Trash icon.
2. (Optional) If you want to work with only some of the messages, select them.
3. Do one of the following:
To remove the selected messages from the Trash folder and restore them to view
or folder you deleted them from, click Restore.
To restore all messages in the view, click "Restore All."
To permanently delete the selected messages, click "Delete Selected Item" and
select Yes in the message that appears.
To permanently delete all messages in the view, click "Empty Trash" and select
Yes in the message that appears.
To delete a message without sending it
If you start to create a message but decide you don't want to keep or send it,
press ESC and click Discard.
Tip If you decide to keep the message but not send it yet, click "Save as
Draft." Notes saves it in the Drafts view.
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