Technote Number: 1175729
This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# BACY627PVR and was fixed
in Notes 6.0.5 and 6.5.4.
Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.0.5 / 6.5.4 MR fix list
(available at
SPR# BACY627PVR - Changed entries for ZW1 and ZW3 so that the time zone
designator is recognized by Notes.
This situation appears to be with how the Notes client adjusts for the time
difference between the sender's time zone and that of the recipient.
-- Message is sent from the ZW3 time zone at 15:35 PM ZW3 which is (UTC/GMT -3
-- Message is received inbound into Domino moments later, with the date header
on the SMTP message as, "Date: Fri, 15 April 2005:15:35:38 -0300."
-- The recipient's time zone is CDT (UTC/GMT -5).
-- The time of the message shown underneath the sender's address should read
the recipient's current time minus 2 hours to adjust for the time difference.
--The message time stamp does not adjust and displays the sending time as the
recipient's time, not the sender's time. The PostedDate remains "Date: Fri, 15
April 2005 15:35:38 -0300" and so does the TmpDisplayDate.
-- The time stamp on the recipient's message should read 13:35, not 15:35. The
message is received two hours ahead of the actual time. More >
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