Technote Number: 1100070
This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering, and was addressed in
Notes 5.0.3 Client.
Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino Release 5.0.3 QMR fix list:
SPR# LABN4GXMUR - Prevent a crash which occurs when dragging a bookmark into an
open, empty bookmark folder. [5.0.3]
Supporting Information:
Steps To Reproduce Problem:
1. Click the 'More Bookmarks' folder on the Bookmark bar in Notes Client. This
will open the 'More Bookmarks' page/navigator.
2. Right-click in an empty gray part of the More Bookmarks page, and select
'Create New Folder' from the shortcut menu which appears. Give it a name, place
it in the 'More Bookmarks' folder, and select OK.
3. Click this new folder to open it (which opens the little folder icon and the
bookmark page associated with it).
4. Drag any view or document session from the Notes Task bar and drop it onto
the new, open folder. Notes will crash, and sometimes RIP.
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