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"Enable Instant Messaging" Option Is Missing in DWA User Preferences

Technote Number: 1190873

There are several reasons why this issue may occur.

Reason #1:
A home Sametime server is not specified (or is specified incorrectly) in your
Person document. To check this setting, open your Person document in the
Domino Directory. On the Basics tab, check the Sametime Server field in the
Real-Time Collaboration section. If the field is blank or incorrect, contact
your Domino Administrator to get this field populated correctly. See also Step
4 of the following technote for further information:

"Complete Steps to Configure Sametime Integration with DWA 6.5.x" (#1159197)

Reason #2:
If you are using Domino Web Access (DWA) 6.5.3 or above, another reason the
'Enable Instant Messaging' option is not present in Preferences is if the DWA
server is not configured for instant messaging.

In DWA 6.5 - 6.5.2 the 'Enable Instant Messaging' option was visible in DWA
Preferences even if the DWA server was not configured for instant messaging.
An enhancement request, to hide the option in Preferences if the DWA server is
not configured, was submitted to Quality Engineering and was addressed in DWA
6.5.3 (and above).

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.5.3 MR fix list (available at

Instant Messaging
SPR# PTUL628GWM - The enable instant messaging setting in Preference/other will
not be available if DWA is not set up for using Lotus Sametime.

For specific steps on configuring Instant Messaging in DWA, refer to this

"Complete Steps to Configure Sametime Integration with DWA 6.5.x" (#1159197)
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