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Unexpected results when receiving Cancellation notice after R4.6.7 mail file upgraded to R5 or 6 template

Technote Number: 1094341

This issue has been reported to Quality Engineering. the issue will not be
investigated because R4 is no longer supported.

The issue occurs with either the iNotes Web Access template (inotes5.ntf) or
the Notes mail file (mail50.ntf or mail6.ntf).

Supporting Information:
Example Scenario:

- User A's mail file was created with a Domino 4.6.7 mail template and will be
upgraded to the R5.0.10 template via the Convert process.
- User B's mail file was created with a Domino 4.6.7 mail template and will be
upgraded to the R5.0.10 template via Design Replace.
- User C's mail file was created with a modified iNotes Web Access 5.0.10
- User D's mail file was created with a Domino 4.6.7 mail template.

Steps to reproduce problem:
1. User C (Chairperson) creates a repeating meeting and invites User A, User
B and User D.
2. User A and User B accept the meeting invitation as current 4.6.7 users.
3. User D adds the meeting to the Calendar (4.6 users cannot "accept"
repeating meetings).
5. User A is migrated to modified iNotes 5.0.10 template via Convert utility.
6. User B is migrated to modified iNotes 5.0.10 template via Design Replace.
7. User C cancels single instance.
8. User D receives a cancellation notice and opens with the Notes R4 Client.
A "Meeting has been cancelled" dialog appears, and the instance is removed from
User D's Calendar.
9. User A receives a cancellation notice and opens it with the Notes R5
Client. A "Meeting has been cancelled" dialog appears, but the instance is NOT
removed from User A's Calendar.
10. User B receives a cancellation notice and opens it with the Notes R5
Client. A "Meeting has been cancelled" dialog box displays, but the instance
is NOT removed from User B's Calendar.
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