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AltCopyTo and INetCopyTo fields may be out of sync when using "Reply to All"

Technote Number: 1243602

This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering as SPR# KSAA6RTKS4 and has
been determined to be a problem in the Notes 6.x and 7.x mail templates. A
fix is planned for upcoming maintenance releases of 6.5x and 7.0x.

You can repair the template by completing the following steps:

Use Domino Designer® to make the following design element changes in the
Mail6.ntf, Mail6ex.ntf, Mail7.ntf and Mail7ex.ntf, and then refresh the design
of the mail databases.

For the "Reply", "Reply With History" and "_Document Memo" forms:

1. Change the AltCopyTo field from type "Text" to type "Names".

2. Modify formula in AltCopyTo field.
@If(@IsAvailable (tmpNewDoc); AltCopyTo; AltSendTo : AltCopyTo)

@If(@IsAvailable (tmpNewDoc); AltCopyTo; @Unique(AltSendTo : AltCopyTo))

3. Modify formula in INetCopyTo field.
InetSendTo : InetCopyTo

@Unique(InetSendTo : InetCopyTo)

Note: To avoid a related issue (refer to Related information link below), you
should additionally make the following updates:

1. The following Shared Actions need to have their formulas modified:

"Save As draft"
"Save" Note: There are two Shared Actions titled Save. You want to modify
the one that, when listed in Designer, has a checkbox in the Notes column
rather than the Web column.

Remove the following code:
REM {"Forcing values in TO field to be saved"};
FIELD SendTo := @If(EnterSendTo != ""; EnterSendTo; SendTo);
FIELD CopyTo:=@If(EnterCopyTo!=""; EnterCopyTo;CopyTo);
FIELD BlindCopyTo := @If(EnterBlindCopyTo != ""; EnterBlindCopyTo; BlindCopyTo);

Note: To access Shared Action design elements, select Shared Code -> Actions,
in the left pane of the Designer client.


In the Location document(s), on the Basics tab, set the "Default display names"
entry to "Display primary names."
Note: The relative field name in the Location form is UserNameFlag, and the
keyword choice "Default primary names" has a text value of "0", where the
choice "Display alternate names" has a text value of "1".
Check the recipient names before sending a message reply.

Supporting information:

The InetCopyTo field is created when either of the following conditions exist:

[Internet Address] is set in the Person document in Domino Directory.
[Internet Address] is not set and Global Domain Document is set.

If the [Internet Address] in the Person document and Global Domain Document are
both not set, the INetCopyTo field is not created.

If only internet addresses are in the cc field, the INetCopyTo field is set to
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