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LotusScript Expiration Property Does Not Works in Notes 6.0 Through 6.0.2

Technote Number: 1109237

This issue was reported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering and was addressed
in Notes 6.0.3 and 6.5.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino fix list

Fixed a problem where NotesRegistration was not honoring the expiration
property. This regression was introduced in 6.0.1.

Workarounds for versions prior to 6.0.3:

- For users that have already been registered, you can do a "tell adminp
process all" server console command to expedite the process, and the users will
automatically have a later certificate expiration date the next time they
authenticate with the server.

- Although the RegisterNewUser method ignores the Expiration property setting,
the Recertify method does not. You can therefore call the Recertify method
after calling the RegisterNewUser method to work around this issue. There are
some factors to be aware of when using the Recertify method. The Recertify
method must be run from the front-end (user interface) of a Notes Client if the
user ID to be recertified is not a Safe copy of the ID. This is because if a
Safe copy of the ID is not used, the agent prompts for the ID password. So,
this workaround can only be applied to agents which will be triggered manually
- given that the ID's supplied are newly created and not a Safe version of the

For Example:

The sample code below will prompt for the users ID's password when it executes
the Recertify method because specified ID is not a Safe copy of the ID.

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim reg As New NotesRegistration
reg.RegistrationServer = "ServerA"
reg.CreateMailDb = False
reg.CertifierIDFile = "c:\Notes\ids\certWidgets.id"
reg.Expiration = Datenumber(Year(Today)+3, Month(Today), Day(Today))
reg.MinPasswordLength = 0 ' password strength
reg.IsNorthAmerican = True
reg.OrgUnit = ""
reg.UpdateAddressBook = True
reg.StoreIDInAddressBook = False
Call reg.RegisterNewUser("Doe", _ ' last name
"c:\Notes\ids\jdoe.id", _ ' file to be created
"CN=ServerA/O=Widgets", _ ' mail server
"John", _ ' first name
"", _ ' middle initial
"password", _ ' certifier password
"", _ ' location field
"", _ ' comment field
"mail\jdoe.nsf", _ ' mail file
"", _ ' forwarding domain
"password", _ ' user password
NOTES_FULL_CLIENT) ' user type
Call reg.Recertify( _
"c:\Notes\ids\joan.id", _ ' ID file '<---This is the line that re-registers
and puts in correct registration date.
"password", _ ' certifier password
"") ' comment field

Supporting Information:

To generate a Safe copy of an ID file:

Notes 6
Select File, Security, User Security and enter your password.
Click the Renew button.
Click the Export ID button.

Notes 5
Select File, Tools, User ID.
Open the More Options panel.
Click the Create Safe Copy button.

To merge a Safe copy of an ID file:

Notes 6
Select File, Security, User Security and enter your password.
Click "Your Identity" and then select the sub-category "Your Certificates".
Click the "Get Certificates" button and then select the sub-choice "Import
(Merge) Notes Certificates...".

Notes 5
Select File, Tools, User ID.
Open the More Options panel.
Click the Merge a Copy button
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