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Crash when running Compact -a against a database with only a partial profile document

Technote Number: 1214200

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# JPAS6E2H3N. A
preventative fix to avoid the crash is included in Lotus Domino 6.5.4 Fix Pack
2, and it will also be included in Domino 6.5.5 (December 2005). Additionally,
6.5.5 will log a message on the server console and in the log file that a
problematic (truncated) archive profile is present.
Excerpt from the Lotus Domino Release 6.5.4 Fix Pack 2 fix list (available at
SPR# JPAS6E2H3N - Fixed a crash when running Compact -a against a database with
only a partial profile document. All databases are meant to have a profile doc.
The document existed but was truncated.

Refer to the following document on the Upgrade Central site for details about
Lotus Domino 6.5.4 Fix Pack 2 (FP2), and how to obtain it:

Upgrade Central: Planning your upgrade to Lotus Notes/Domino 6.0.5 and 6.5.4,
Including Domino 6.5.4 Fix Pack 1 and Fix Pack 2 (# 1201845)

Additional Information:
Q: If I am running an earlier version of Domino or Notes, how do I know if I
have one of these problematic profile documents?
A: You will know if you attempt to archive and either the server or client
crashes with the stacks referenced in this technote. Note: There may be
additional ways to search for these documents using a LotusScript agent to
check for a null NoteID or missing key fields, but for now this problem does
not seem widespread.

Below are steps to correct the problematic archive profile document, create a
new default archive profile document and allow the database to be archived.

1. Archive the database through the client Actions -> Archive menu or by
running the "compact -A" command on the server.
2. If problematic, the following error will be written to the log.nsf when the
hotfix is applied or when running Notes/Domino 6.5.5 or higher. (Note: 6.5.4
FP2 avoids the crash but does not log an error.)
ARCHIVE: Archive Profile Document for database <databasename> is problematic
and must be deleted.
3. Use LotusScript agent code to delete the archive profile document which
will display a dialog with the text "Removed profile doc"
4. If you try to archive the database now you will receive "NBotes error:
Entry not found in index"
5. Select Archive->Settings (This is the step that recreates the profile
6. Click "OK" or "Cancel"
7. Archive database and no errors should appear in the log.


LotusScript agent information follows.

Once a problem database is identified, add a LotusScript agent to the database
that will allow the removal of the problematic document. (This does not need
to be done to prevent the crash if running 6.5.4 FP2, 6.5.5 or hotfix, but is
necessary to repair the profile document.)

LotusScript agent code to delete archive profile doc: "DeleteArchiveProfileDoc"

Sub Initialize

Dim Session As New NotesSession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim doc As notesdocument
Set db = session.currentdatabase
Set doc = db.getprofiledocument("archive profile")
If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then
Call doc.remove(True)
Msgbox "Removed profile doc"
End If

End Sub
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