Technote Number: 1097509
This issue was reported to Quality Engineering and the speed of opening these
documents was reportedly improved in Domino release 5.0.6 and higher, however,
there was at least one report from customers of this issue still occurring in
releases higher than 5.0.6. The issue was resubmitted to Quality Engineering
as SPR# RCFE5LMSCH and has been fixed in Notes 6.5.4 and 6.0.5.
Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.5.4 and 6.0.5 MR fix list
(available at
SPR# RCFE5LMSCH - In the postOpen event of the $ConFormRLANSubform subform,
code has been added to skip the computations necessary for Network Dialup type
connections if it is not a Network Dialup type connection. All other connection
types will open faster now. This regression was introduced in 6.0.
The problem is with the Network Dialup connection subform ($ConFormRLANSubform)
design element processing all of the Forms in the database each time a
Server\Connection document is opened (in case the user is going to create or
switch to a Network Dialup type connection). The subform in the template has
been changed to only perform this operation when necessary. More >
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