Technote Number: 1102584
This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering, and was addressed in
Notes 5.0.8 Client.
Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 5.0.8 MR fix list (available at
Design - Formulas
SPR# FBEE4MFLTJ - ViewRefreshFields now works in the QueryClose event when a
form is in a dialog box and the dialog box is closed. This regression was
introduced in 5.0.4.
Supporting Information:
Below is an example which can be used to demonstrate the issue, and it is also
useful in describing the behavior.
To demonstrate this issue we'll use two forms:
First form:
Name: Main
Text Editable Field: Flag
Button w/Formula: @DialogBox("DialogForm")
Second form:
Name: DialogForm
Text Editable Field: Flag
w/Input Validation formula: @If(Flag="1"; "1a"; "2")
QueryClose event:
FIELD Flag:="1";
1. Create a document based on the Main form.
2. Click the button; this causes the present document to display through the
DialogForm form.
3. Clicking the form's "OK" button will first trigger the document to refresh
and will then trigger the QueryClose event.
a. When the document is refreshed the Flag fields Input Translation formula
will evaluate to "2" and place this value in the field.
b. When the QueryClose event triggers the Flag field is set to "1" and then the
@Command ViewRefreshFields initiates an additional refresh of the document.
c. When the second refresh is called the Flag fields Input Translation formula
will evaluate to "1a" as the QueryClose event had reset the field to "1" -
recall the Input Validation formula was @If(Flag=1";"1a";"2").
4. After clicking the "OK" button the dialog form closes and the Flag field is
populated with the value "1a".
Starting in Notes 5.0.4 Client the result of the above steps would be a Flag
field value of "2". This occurs because of a conflict relative to the
ViewRefreshFields call which results in the updated Flag value of "1" not being
written to the document. The previous Flag field value of "2" is retained, and
when that is applied to the Input Translation formula the result is "2".
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