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SPR # RJBR9FTHXX fixed in 9.0.1 FP1 releaseRecommended Release (14.0 FP1)

Product Area: Server Technical Area: Shindig/OpenSocial Core Platform: Cross Platform

SPR# RJBR9FTHXX - When the Domino server with Shindig is configured to allow HTTPS connections only, and HTTP is disabled, Connections embedded experiences fail to render. Users who attempt to access a Connections gadget see the following message:
Error, please try again.
The problem occurs because the Domino server with Shindig makes an HTTP request to itself to try and get the viewer of the gadget. Because the HTTP request is made over HTTP rather than HTTPs, the Domino server with Shindig responds with a 302 error, redirecting the request over HTTPs. In attempting to parse the response, the code fails to account for the redirect, and throws an exception. As a result, the Connections embedded experience gadget cannot verify that the user is logged in, and cannot use OAuth. Instead the gadget tries to access information about the object in Connections anonymously, causing an error in the embedded experience.

Last Modified on 05/03/2014

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