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SPR # MROE6N5M86 fixed in 7.0.3 releaseRecommended Release (14.0 FP1)

Product Area: IBM Lotus iNotes for MS Outlook Technical Area: Calendar Platform: Windows

SPR# MROE6N5M86 - When a delegated user moved a managers meeting to Deleted items, it should be reflected in the Manager's mail file.

When the delegate cancels a meeting, deletes an appointment or removes a message from the manager's inbox, the change will be replicated to the manager's calendar/inbox. The same is true in the reverse direction: if the manager cancels a meeting or deletes a message from the inbox, that change will be replicated to the delegate's copy of the manager's mail/calendar. It is not necessary for the delegate to empty the 'Deleted Items' folder for this change to replicate. Synchronization depends on messages being sent/received to trigger replication. There will be some latency between the update of one calendar, and that change appearing on the other calendar. This latency depends on the replication interval of both the manager's and delegate's clients. This replication interval may be set to be as small as 1 minute, creating a minimum latency of 2 minutes. The default latency is 10 minutes, which gives a default update interval of 20 minutes, provided that the manager is sending or receiving messages on a regular basis.

Last Modified on 03/03/2010

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