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SPR # VASR876SSW fixed in 8.5.3; 8.5.2 FP2 releaseRecommended Release (14.0 FP2)

Product Area: Client - Standard Technical Area: Contacts Platform: Cross Platform

SPR# VASR876SSW - Syntax validation was added to Recent Contacts. The following are considered invalid: (1) Any address ending in period, backslash, forwardslash, @, left angle bracket or single quote
. (2) Any smtp address where address is surrounded by single quotes. (3) No spaces are allowed in 821 smtp address (the real address part)
. (4) No sntp address can have a period after a top level ICCAN domain.
Top level ICANN domains are .com, org, .edu, .gov, .int, .mil, .net. (5) On Notes addressing, we are not allowing a period in the organizational part. ie no tom/west.ford/ibm

APAR: LO53186
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Last Modified on 12/11/2013

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