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Notes/Domino 6.5.5 FP3 Release Notice
April 19, 2007

IBM Lotus announces Domino 6.5.5 Fix Pack 3. IBM strongly recommends upgrading to the latest Fix Pack, since Fix Packs address a small percentage of defects that impact the broadest set of customers. This is a scheduled Fix Pack of a limited number of low-risk/high-impact fixes to help customers safely avoid known problems. Fix Packs are released periodically between Maintenance Releases to provide a greater level of stability for customer environments. Fix Packs go through the same level of fix, regression and interoperability testing that occurs with our Maintenance Releases. Domino 6.5.5 Fix Pack 3 is also cumulative, containing all of the fixes from Domino 6.5.5 Fix Pack 1 and Fix Pack 2, and may be applied on any language version of Domino 6.5.5, 6.5.5 FP1 or 6.5.5 FP2.

All fixes in this Fix Pack have already been successfully deployed at customer sites. Fix Pack fixes are included in the next shipping Maintenance Release. Since 6.5.5 FP3 shipped after 6.5.6, some 6.5.5 FP3 fixes are in 6.5.6 and the remainder will ship in 6.5.6 FP2 or 7.0.3, since 6.5.6 is the last maintenance release for 6.5.x. In the list of SPR's below, the fixes Not published in 6.5.6 have an equal symbol (=) before the SPR number. Customers unable to upgrade to later Maintenance Releases will want to install Fix Packs to benefit from later fixes made to the product. By providing a small number of fixes, customers are able to accept fewer code changes with lower risk, allowing them to "patch" an older Maintenance Release until a more extensive upgrade to the current Maintenance Release is possible. Fix Packs may be downloaded from the web, but will not be distributed on CD.

While Fix Packs provide important fixes and IBM strongly recommends applying the latest Fix pack available for a Maintenance Release, IBM still recommends that customers upgrade to the latest Maintenance Release + Fix Pack combination to receive the broadest set of fixes available. You will receive more overall fixes with a later Maintenance Release + Fix Pack than with a set of Fix Packs on top of an earlier maintenance Release.

The following is a list of the problems fixed in this 6.5.5 Fix Pack.

1. There are 6 fixes below with a plus symbol (+) before the SPR number. This symbol indicates fixes for regression bugs. A regression bug is a bug that was introduced in a Maintenance Release that did not exist in previous releases of that code stream. For example, a bug that appears in R6.5.5 but did not exist in R6.5.3 is a regression.
2. There are 10 fixes below with an equal symbol (=) before the SPR number. Those SPR's are not fixed in R6.5.6 but will ship in 6.5.6 FP2 or 7.0.3.
3. Technote Numbers are displayed in parenthesis following the fix description.

  • SPR# ADC6TET7N - In a low memory condition, allocvblock will return null which causes a problem for callers of osallocvblock. This problem results in an nserver process crash and "PANIC: OSVBlockAddr: Bad VBlock handle (FFFF\0)" error. Since this problem was fairly deep in the code, symptoms of this problem are fairly transient, other than the Panic error and can occur on a server process. For example, we have customer reports for this in at least the nserver process and nreplica process. (TN# 1249651)
  • SPR# CCAY5UBN2B - Fixed a Server panic with the following error, "Panic: Assert(IsNullBBLOCK(dbdir->UpdateLinks.prev))". This was a problem with dbdirman not protecting the update queue. This is a subtle timing condition where 2 dbdirman queue entries collided and one overwrote the other, and has been fixed. (TN# 1157534 )
  • SPR# CMAS6EATAD - Fixed a MIME to CD conversion crash due to bad GIF images. The workaround for Domino servers is to set the person doc for "Keep in senders' format" or "Prefers MIME" instead of "Prefers Notes Rich Text". Also, it has been mentioned that on RIM Blackberry servers, conversion of MIME->CD occurs and there is no option to prevent this. To ensure this case is covered, you can rename or delete the NIGIF.DLL. It is only used to convert GIF images to Notes Bitmaps. When it's missing, the images are attached. (TN# 1247835 )
  • SPR# DANO6TLK6V - With this fix, the DXL Exporter no longer emits references to nonexistent .dtd/.xsd files in FP releases.
  • SPR# DTEI6FHBW2 - Fixed server crash in ReturnNameInfoEpilog.
  • SPR# DWHR6SYE3Z - Fixed a potential security issue. (TN# 1247201)
  • SPR# FHEN6QKBJH - Prior to this fix, a certain path existed through memory initialization, where we could access a NULL pointer. Changed it so that we no longer access the NULL pointer.
  • SPR# JCHN5CDQE3 - Fixed a crash which occurred after encountering a bad note with an item containing a null value in a database.
  • SPR# JGIR6MGV74 - Fixed a MIME to CD conversion crash for Macintosh attachments. (TN# 1244495 )
  • SPR# KEMG6UFL2A - Fixed a potential Denial of Service attack. See technote #1257248 for more details.
  • SPR# KEMG6SRVDM - Fixed a potential security issue. See technote #1257026 for more details.
  • SPR# KHAD6HDL9D - Fixed a potential HTTP server leak when SSL client certificates were configured and Internet Certificate Domain Names contained multiple OU='s. (TN# 1221062 )
  • SPR# KTIS6UFMDR - This provides a fix to avoid a negative impact on server performance and accessibility by the client, due to the NAB Collection being updated by a function call the HTTP server uses during normal operation (NIFSetCollectionAccess). This fix avoids unnecessary updates to the view and the consequential NLCache flush for HTTP access.
  • SPR# LORN6LUVXQ - Fixed an HTTP crash when handling a malformed SSI #exec.
  • SPR# MKEN6X3NKK - Fixed a potential Denial of Service issue.
  • SPR# MKIA6JWA4K - This fix prevents a server only crash that may occur when there is an "Out of Private Handles" error during a full text search.
  • SPR# MLUR6P9TAT - Additional stats/events were added to track updates to the NAB. Provided the ability to filter out clients that either directly or indirectly created activity on a directory database that would result in a view rebuild. Those rebuilds would have the side effect of causing a NAMELookup cache flush and creating a performance bottleneck on the server for all users.
  • =+SPR# MWHN6Z5S54 - Fixed a server crash, which occurred almost immediately on startup, if running AIX with 32 bit hardware. This regression was introduced in 6.5.5 FP2. (TN# 1257924)
  • SPR# NORK6L7KNX - Fixed a problem where we continued to process some HTTP requests after we had already responded. This would occasionally result in a crash.
  • SPR# NORK6QKP7F - Fixed a crash in HTTP when a custom DSAPI filter set the authenticated user name to NULL. (TN# 1248985 )
  • +SPR# PPET6NQMES - Certain LDAP searches that are serviced by the FT Index can cause the Domino LDAP server to crash. This regression was introduced in 6.5.4 (TN# 1234657)
  • SPR# PPET6NQP2G - HTTP crashes on converting a message for Domino Web Access.
  • SPR# RBRE6BLJQG - Fixed crashes in the NAMELookup cache due to queue corruption. (TN# 1256654 )
  • SPR# SBON6PNHXB - Fixed a potential denial of service attack. (TN# 1247835 )
  • =SPR# SCOS6QTQWX - Reformatted "TCP Table"; now correctly named "TCP Connection Table" and all data is now aligned in a reasonable way. Added -hostnamelookup option to control whether or not IP addresses are mapped to host names. *Note: specifying -hostnamelookup can negatively impact performance, in that the network calls to map IP addresses to hostnames can take a significant amount of time, depending on network responsiveness and the number of addresses needing to be resolved. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# SCOS6SAP2T - Added the option to skip processes looking for system handle information. (TN# 1233676)
  • =SPR# SCOS6UULZB - With this fix, a Fatal stack will be captured even if symbol information is unavailable. (TN# 1233676)
  • =SPR# THTO6YVTNJ - Error "PANIC: Invalid pool free chain" displayed during a server crash with DPOOL corruption. The crash occurred while processing a MIME message. (TN# 1256494)
  • SPR# TJOR6Q6PEL - Fixed an HTTP crash in WriteXMLtextData with very large documents. The document size allowed has been increased from 32k to 64k and a crash will no longer occur.
  • SPR# SVRO6YU2QY - This fix addresses multiple DST 2007 items for non-Windows servers, including outbound iCal off by 1 hour when MIME conversion is done by the server instead of the client. Release 6.5.6 and the Fix Pack release of this fix do not include the HTTP $Preferences component of the fix which requires translation.

    Please see TN 1256819: "Daylight Saving Time (DST) 2007: Details on issues where Notes/Domino references old DST information if the operating system is not Windows" for more information. (TN# 1256592, 1256236, 1256819)

  • SPR# BMSN6TLL9R - Improved the handling of NSD errors. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# JROU6UGVQQ - With this fix, NSD now distinguishes between handles and memhandles in Top 10 sections. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# JROU6UPRA5 - Fixed the NSD service to work under limited user accounts (ie: accounts that are commonly members of the Users group on XP). If the NSD service is run on a limited user account, the NSD would not execute or attempt to run, and it would appear to do nothing. The only workaround to this problem is to run as administrator. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# JROU6X6UHG - NSD now makes a separate copy of pid.nbf and reads that; also only reads the file once instead of 4 times. (TN# 1233676)
  • =SPR# MSAN6RA393 - NSD annotation enhancements. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# MSAN6RE6BD - NSD annotation enhancements. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# MSAN6TERLV - Fixed a Memcheck crash while dumping process static objects. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# MSAN6UW3KX - NSD now outputs Server Stats information. The same information that is displayed when a user gives the "show stats" server command is also now captured by NSD. (TN# 1233676)
  • =SPR# MSAN6XCTFY - Fixed a problem where NSD -monitor was not detecting Domino processes. (TN# 1233676)
  • =SPR# MSAN6XDTHL - Fixed a problem where NSD was not detecting outdated sym files. NSD sometimes fails to detect outdated sym files and incorrectly annotates stack symbols. The reason for this is because NSD relies on the file modification time to determine which sym file to use for a given dll/exe but it should use the image timestamp generated by the linker. This problem usually happened when customers installed hotfixes and then upgrade to a newer N/D version. (TN# 1233676)
  • =SPR# MSAN6Y5M6U - NSD was not detecting/showing crash stack on AIX when procstack was used. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# PMAO6VCMKV - NSD on AIX needs a switch to select dbx or procstack for use in gathering stack traces. To enable the feature, add Use_Dbx_Only=1 to the NSD.ini in the Domino data directory. (TN# 1233676)
  • =+SPR# RBEO6TDDVZ - Fixed a crash in the NSD disassembler. The primary symptom of this problem is that the NSD log file will be truncated at the point in the call stacks where the fatal thread is being reported. This regression was introduced in 6.5.6. (TN# 1258039)
  • SPR# RGET6E9RSE - Improved NSD diagnostic data collection integrity. (TN# 1230023, 1233676 )
  • +SPR# RWIR6R2JHU - Three changes were included in this SPR: 1. Changed the NSD section "Last 10 Console Log Messages" to "Last Console Log Messages. 2. Excluded hulsrvc.exe from list of examined processes because it caused problems. 3) Fixed a problem which caused "Error writing to pid.nbf" by making an exclusive copy for NSD. This regression was introduced in 7.0.2. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# SCOS6UWLLE - This fix makes the NSD service available for the Win32 platform. (TN# 1233676)
  • +SPR# SKAI6RTFHC - Three changes were made in this fix. 1) Changed the NSD section "Last 10 Console Log Messages" to "Last Console Log Messages". 2) Excluded the file "hulsrvc.exe" from the list of examined processes because it causes problems. 3) Fixed a problem which caused the error "Error writing to pid.nbf" by making an exclusive copy for NSD. This regression was introduced in 6.5.5. (TN# 1233676 )
  • SPR# SMAI6W8TRB - Fixed a problem where NSD was not handling spaces in the path properly when configured to run as a Windows service. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# SVRO6W8Q3U - Memcheck must suspend Domino processes so that memory does not change while it is being examined. This is an improvement to the suspend method on AIX that is more stable than the previous method. (TN# 1233676)
  • =SPR# TBRD6RZLSA - A recent change to run memcheck as a separate process caused the log file to be closed and reopened. The reopen was in binary mode instead of text. This fix was to open in text mode after cleaning messages from end of memcheck output. (TN# 1233676)
  • +SPR# TSAO6RM8FZ - NSD now makes a separate copy of pid.nbf and reads that; also only reads the file once instead of four times. This regression was introduced in 6.5.5. (TN# 1246979 )
  • SPR# XJXJ6V5BHW - After a Domino server crash, NSD ran but the log file dump was truncated at the end of the stacks. This problem has been fixed. A workaround is to open the console prompt by running cmd.exe, use the cd command to switch to the Domino program directory and then run the NSD command with no parameters. (TN# 1233676)

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