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Lotus Notes/Domino 8.0.2 Fix Pack 1 Release Notice
January 28, 2009

NEW! Notes Client Fix packs have arrived! As a special forward to our release notice, we would like to point out that this is the first fix pack release that also covers the Notes Client. More on this below.

IBM Lotus announces Notes/Domino 8.0.2 Fix Pack 1. IBM strongly recommends upgrading to the latest Fix Pack, since Fix Packs address a small percentage of defects that impact the broadest set of customers. This is a scheduled Fix Pack of a limited number of low-risk/high-impact fixes to help customers safely avoid known problems. Fix Packs are released periodically between Maintenance Releases to provide a greater level of stability for customer environments. Fix Packs go through the same level of fix, regression and interoperability testing that occurs with our Maintenance Releases. Future 8.0.2 Fix Packs will be cumulative and contain all of the fixes from Notes/Domino 8.0.2 Fix Pack 1, and may be applied on any language version of Notes/Domino 8.0.2.

Notes/Domino 8.0.2 Fix Pack 1 is the first Fix Pack addressing defects in Client and Server. All fixes in this Fix Pack have already been successfully deployed at customer sites. Fix Pack fixes are included in the next shipping Maintenance Release, so 8.0.2 FP1 fixes will also ship in 8.0.3. Customers unable to upgrade to later Maintenance Releases will want to install Fix Packs to benefit from later fixes made to the product. By providing a small number of fixes, customers are able to accept fewer code changes with lower risk, allowing them to "patch" an older Maintenance Release until a more extensive upgrade to the current Maintenance Release is possible. Fix Packs may be downloaded from the web, but will not be distributed on CD.

While Fix Packs provide important fixes and IBM strongly recommends applying the latest Fix Pack available for a Maintenance Release, IBM still recommends that customers upgrade to the latest Maintenance Release + Fix Pack combination to receive the broadest set of fixes available. You will receive more overall fixes with a later Maintenance Release + Fix Pack than with a set of Fix Packs on top of an earlier maintenance Release.

For more information about Maintenance Releases, Fix Packs and CCH's, refer to www.ibm.com/support, Technote No. #1368141.

The following is a list of the problems fixed in this 8.0.2 Fix Pack.

1. SCR (Streaming Cluster Replication) is re-enabled by default in 8.0.2 FP1. SCR was on by default in 8.0 and 8.0.1 but was disabled by default in Domino 8.0.2 due to some SCR bugs. All known SCR defects have been addressed in 8.0.2 FP1 so SCR is re-enabled by default.
2. There are 20 fixes below with a plus symbol (+) before the SPR number. This symbol indicates fixes for regression bugs. A regression bug is a bug that was introduced in a Maintenance Release that did not exist in previous releases of that code stream. For example, a bug that appears in R8.0.1 but did not exist in R8.0 is a regression.
3. Technote Numbers are displayed in parentheses following the fix description.

  • SPR# LKIM7JCMB6 - Fixed a hang in the Standard Client when a background request causes a wait for the UI to complete. (Technote #1321303)
  • +SPR# DDEL72VQZG - Fixed a crash in ReplicationEntry formula decompile. This regression was introduced in 8.0 and is fixed in the Client and Server code. (Technote #1259485)
  • SPR# MMQS7K352F - This problem is caused because with the new startup seq. the notes.ini path is always passed to rcplauncher - this causes the bootstrap code to execute code path which does not handle non-ascii characters properly. To avoid this issue we now pass the notes.ini path to java only if it was actually passed in to notes.exe by the user.
  • SPR# TMDS7K9TBM - Fixed an intermittent problem where users could not click in the Inbox to open messages or click on open tabs. A workaround is to close and reopen Notes. (Technote #1321783)
  • +SPR# KUMA7FWPXR - Fixed the Basic Sametime configuration option which appeared during the Standard client setup. This regression was introduced in 8.0.2. (Technote #1317775)
  • SPR# KGLN6ZWJZ8 - Crash when exiting Notes/Domino Release 8.0. This is a workaround to avoid the crash. It is not a fix for the problem leading to the conditions causing the crash. (Technote #1266303)
  • SPR# PJON7DTPXK - When using the LotusScript send mail method, users were unable to send mail, multiple matches found in Name & Address Book(s) and the DPAB entry that matches the personal contact entry caused mail send agents to fail.
  • SPR# MPGY7HWNCQ - Server based replication page entries were being created when editing replication settings on a remote database. This is incorrect behavior which is fixed with this change. (Technote #1316108)
  • SPR# MFRL6YD599 - Fixed a problem where the subsequent mail message was automatically selected for deletion in the side calendar after deleting the previous message. (Technote #1314649)
  • SPR# WEBB7G7DTE - Fixed a problem with conversation history. To recreate, select Show Conversations, then look at a conversation. From that point onward whilst conversations are still active you cannot open the correct e-mail. If you select an email, Notes will open the last e-mail that you read not the one that you have just selected. You then need to close the incorrect mail message and then you will be able to open your selected e-mail. When Conversations are turned off, the view performs normally. (Technote #1318795)
  • +SPR# THIO76GCTW - This fix changes the quick find dialog from using the c dialog to using an swt dialog. Prior to this fix, after performing a quick search on ND8 Standard, the IME setting was automatically changed. This fix is off by default in 8.0.2 FP1 and must be enabled by adding the Notes.ini variable "UseJavaQuickFindDialog=1". This regression was introduced in 8.0.
  • SPR# LBJC7DK5P4 - After dragging and dropping emails from a view onto an Archive entry in the java views navigator in Notes Standard, the java view did not get refreshed. This fix involves triggering an explicit view UI update. The postdragdrop archive script only re-indexes the view, an explicit view UI update was missing in the java view code path. And it has now been introduced. (Technote #1306112)
  • SPR# TPUT7KULRF - With this fix, the user will no longer see the calendar entry off by one hour when the DST transition date is displayed in the main calendar's multi-days view, while the Day At A Glance is displayed with a none DST transition date. (Technote #1323150)
  • SPR# XQCO7AG8VL - When a new program is launched from the Notes Client, the OS determines that it is a subprogram to Notes which changes the focus behavior. Additional handling was added to some of the events in the Client so that they only run if the main window has focus.
  • SPR# JCHM77EPED - Blocker documents were being treated as reservations when composed in the Sydney time zone. This is because the TimeLocalToGM() function was shifting the date to 12/30.
  • +SPR# TTEA79YF2U - Prior to this fix, @Command( [FileExit] ) would not close the Notes Client in Lotus Notes 8.0 Standard. @Command([FileExit]) is now disabled (a no-op). This regression was introduced in 8.0.
  • SPR# MALN7GKTGP - A fix in the client code has been provided so that when you login in by Single Sign On (use a token), the client will not switch to prompt for user name and password when the initial login fails. The fix will allow the client to re-try to login in by SSO.
  • +SPR# TMDS7GYRFU - For some documents a case was being encountered where an object was being set equal to itself without proper handling. This regression was introduced in 8.0.1.
  • SPR# CSMH7FPMR5 - Changes where made to ensure that there is only one Sametime login session.
  • SPR# MLAT7HWT2D - When system colors are set to the colors of choice rather than using one of the High Contrast settings offered through the OS, in the Mail inbox, the color of the table header and an area in the navigator view can not respond to the change. This problem has been fixed.
  • SPR# MLAT7HWPND - When system colors are set to the colors of choice rather than using one of the High Contrast settings offered through the OS, in the Mail inbox, the color of the table header and an area in the navigator view can not respond to the change. This problem has been fixed.
  • +SPR# CTSI7GRJ7C - Fixed a problem when using the standard client. Executed @Command[WindowWorkspace] then @Command[StackReplicaIcons] to switch the focus to the Workspace and stack the replica icons but the replica icons were not stacked. Work around is to use basic client. This regression was introduced in 8.0.
  • SPR# RDES7J5MJ9 - Fixed an intermittent problem when starting the Notes 8,0.2 client, the entire Sametime side shelf (located on the right side of the Notes client) is greyed out. The problem was reproducible most easily on machines with 1Gig of memory. Instead of seeing the side shelf, a solid gray canvas was shown.
  • SPR# JIMS7KW588 - A fix has been provided to the login code so that we keep re-trying to login by token during a failover scenario and the UI will not switch to prompt user for user name and password.
  • SPR# ALAS7K7SSM - The Calendar Service in embedded Sametime now uses SSO.
  • SPR# BMAK7KGGPZ - Changes where made to only get the full directory info for names that contained email addresses.
  • SPR# SSYD7JQLA5 - Sametime disposeMenus error no longer occurs intermittently when closing the chat window and when resetting user.
  • SPR# ALAS7K7SSM - The Calendar Service in embedded Sametime now uses SSO.
  • SPR# DCOY7KHKGH - Process Explorer no longer reports hundreds of desktop handles after very little use of the client. The code was making a windows call that was returning a handle. We now free the handle.
  • +SPR# MYAG7H8PNP - Fixed a problem where the "Delete" key could not be used to delete a document in an expanded thread. Nothing would happen when the key was pressed. This regression was introduced in 8.0.3.
  • SPR# JKEY7GEF2H - Fixed an issue where the time zone field on the calendar profile incorrectly reported that a user who had the calendaring and scheduling preferences set to W. Europe, would show up as Central Europe. In this particular case, the OS patch for Australia had been installed, which changed the zone's index. This is because it is an offset inside the registry and the registry changed. This code was then matching by DST law (which is not unique across time zones) and hitting the Central Europe zone incorrectly.
  • SPR# LBJC7MFBST - Updated the version number on the Help About page to 8.0.2 FP1 and also the Notes.ini variable "FaultRecovery_build".
  • SPR# JWOD7H9JE4 - Prior to this fix, setting updates to manual will cause the CPU to go to 100% busy. The problem occurred if the user set any subscription to update "manually". A workaround is to set the subscription update interval to an option other than "Manual".

Composite Application Editor
  • +SPR# NHEF7HE8XS - This fix generates a unique id for newly create composite application design elements so that different comp apps in the same database can be distinguished. This regression was introduced in 8.0.2.

Enterprise Integration
  • +SPR# AVSE7L49DL - Crash was occurring when trying to assign NULL to unallocated memory using pointer. Fixed problem by assigning NULL to pointer. This regression was introduced in 8.0.2.

IBM Lotus Expeditor
  • SPR# OFAG7JMPJH - After applying the OS patch to add the new DST zones for Argentina, the Sametime client displays chat timestamps off by 2 or 3 hours. DST rules have been updated to solve this problem. (Technote #1330115)
  • SPR# ZPEG7H45AX - Fixed a platform crash during network operations (such as usage of feed reader, Activities, Portal applications, or Widgets) and an NTLM proxy server has been configured for use in the Notes location document
  • SPR# RCFE79FK2F - If the option "Use the browser I have set for the default of the operation system" is set in Notes preference, and the user visited a website which needs authentication, a new separate browser instance will be created every time and the user will need to authenticate again. (Technote #1289808)
  • SPR# CSTS7JDJSH - Fixed an IEOOP crash.
  • SPR# CSTS7JXQTF - Fixed an IEOOP crash.
  • SPR# BLIE7FPPVZ - Prior to this fix, Feed Reader Background Polling went into infinite Loop. Error message "Feed Reader Background Polling Job (Time of error: xx)" was displayed.
  • SPR# LFOS7JJM5Y - This provides an update to the Olson Timezone database version 2008f Time Zone data for the ICU4J component of the product. If this timezone update has not been applied then the updates provided by the Olson Timezone database for 2008f will not be available and the application time/date information could be incorrect. Details on the IBM implementation of Olson TimeZone database updates can be found here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=3068&context=SSNVBF&uid=swg27008911
  • SPR# MBUT7J4L99 - This provides an update to the Olson Timezone database version 2008e Time Zone data for the ICU4J component of the product. If this timezone update has not been applied then the updates provided by the Olson Timezone database for 2008e will not be available and the application time/date information could be incorrect. Details on the IBM implementation of Olson TimeZone database updates can be found here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=3068&context=SSNVBF&uid=swg27008911
  • SPR# DMSR7MEQH4 - J2SE feature patch in Notes 8.0.2 CCH2 and in 8.0.2 FP1 caused new users to fail when launching. A workaround to this problem is to: 1. Modify the <install dir>/framework/rcp/rcplauncher.properties and change the following properties to the listed values below:
    (these values are the GM 8.0.2 values). 2. Then either (a) delete the user's workspace and launch or (b) launch Notes with -RPARAMS -resetconfig.
  • SPR# SAKL7LGAWD - Fixed an intermittent Expeditor hang.
  • SPR# SAKL7LKK2V - Fixed a problem where shift functions did not work in the embedded browser.
  • SPR# LJAS7LKPVS - Fixed java.lang.NullPointerExceptions in the WebBrowser.

IBM Lotus Instant Messaging
  • SPR# ALAS7LBR83 - Allow the Calendar Service in embedded ST use SSO with a new notes check around the code asking for the password
  • SPR# RCFE7DLRG5 - "Update Status After Login" exception occurred when a user tried to set status immediately after login. Because the exception was not handled properly, it was displayed in the error dialog. Changes made to handle the exception.
  • SPR# MHAR7AAELQ - Fixed in ImChatWindowHandler to not save window size if shell is maximized.
  • SPR# WWGO7CP494 - Rich text tools and file transfer button greyed out in chat window until messages exchanged
  • SPR# GFLY763S2Z - Error "Your Lotus Notes password is missing or incorrect" was displayed when trying to enter a password in the Calendar Service dialog box if "Check Lotus Notes calendar for meetings..." was selected.
  • SPR# GAKI7DXEYH - Corrected problem that auto-status preferences cannot be customized via plugin_customization.ini
  • SPR# VROI7GFL3C - Corrected an issue where a string in Instant Meeting join dialog is incorrect
  • SPR# RDES7HGTSD - Fixed an intermittent error opening a chat session, reason 0x80000005.
  • SPR# NHAN7CVCME - Blank recipient field when using the "Send Email" feature to an offline user. This problem has been fixed. (Technote #1298290)
  • SPR# DGXO7CL5E7 - Fixed a problem where there were two datestamps when entering a chat room with no transcript in the chat.
  • SPR# JJHE7CDD2U - Fixed a problem where dragging names from the main window to a chat would not work if the advanced plugin was installed.
  • SPR# LJIA7CP9SW - "When Users Join or Leave" will now work correctly in the client-based chat room window.
  • SPR# JJHE7BG5WH - Fixed an unreadable title in the chat room window.
  • SPR# LJIA7AYDSA - Changed the panel title to "Active Participants" in the client-based chat room window.
  • SPR# MXMX7AV4DK - Chatroom window no longer supports drag and drop invitees from the contact list.
  • SPR# MXMX7AWA54 - Prior to this fix, the chatroom name disappeared on the tabbed chat window after clicking it again when the chatroom was already opened.
  • SPR# MXMX7AW8PA - Fixed an error message which was displayed after inputing text in a chatroom after loging out and back into the Sametime server.
  • SPR# MXMX79Y9PP - One of the menu items "Text Properties..." was missing from the right-click menu on the message typing field of the chat window. This problem has been fixed.
  • SPR# MXMX7BE8CT - Added a warning message if user changes the tabbed chat settings while there are open chats, because the tabs cannot change dynamically.
  • SPR# MXMX7BEBNK - Prior to this fix, the last opened chatroom name was highlighted in the tabbed window, but the UI was for a 2-way chat window.
  • SPR# MXMX7BE9EG - Select All on the transcript field selects the history link and the date. This has been fixd to paste plain text if there is a problem pasting rich text.
  • SPR# TSTS7AVBWC - Fixed a problem in Persistent Chat where the time format was displayed incorrect in the Chat Room.

  • SPR# RMAN72DFSV - Fix to ReceiveIDTable to resolve an infrequent crash that occurred when a large amount of changes were made to the unread tables and those changes were passed to the server. (Technote #1319799)
  • +SPR# DDEL72VQZG - Fixed a crash in ReplicationEntry formula decompile. This regression was introduced in 8.0 and is fixed in the Client and Server code.
  • SPR# DBRH7FRQ6R - Fix to OSCurrentTIMEDATE to remove 2 windows of potential conflicts. The Domino server time began to creep ahead of the OS time. This time creep typically started off being about 5 to 10 minutes off within an hour of starting the Domino server and continually increased as long as the Domino server was running. This problem has been fixed. (Technote #1327441)
  • SPR# PLYS7DTLNJ - The mime to cd converter is no longer hung in an infinite loop while processing messages containing BinHex encoded file attachments. (Technote #1315578)
  • SPR# JPAI75VH2A - This fix minimizes the memory used by the SCR replication queue. And also fixes a folder replication problem in SCR where messages might reappear in the Inbox. A workaround to this problem is to add the following to the Server.ini, "Debug_SCR_Disabled=1".
  • +SPR# NORK7KEULL - Fixed corruption in $LangIntendedRecipent which lead to endless looping. This regression was introduced in 8.0.2. (Technote #1322164)
  • SPR# WTUZ7EEL85 - Certain conditions can result in the UNKs not being resolved for a parent response note during the note update operation which result in not being able to properly resolve the bucket bitmap optimization. The fix allows that failure not to interfere with the updating of the note operation. Without this fix certain operations would fail in such a way that subsequent access to the database result in: "Page not buffered" error. (Technote #1329103)
  • SPR# GHAN7E6PLQ - Fixed a crash for not initialized handle. (Technote #1314763)
  • SPR# YXIG6MMSUT - Fixed a panic, "PANIC: OSVBlockAddr: Bad VBlock handle (0\0)" with a lost port handle. This problem has only been seen on AIX and is not reproducible.
  • SPR# SEGN7H8FGS - Fixed a problem where the server kept crashing when running the update task on the same database due to a corrupt view.
  • +SPR# PALT7FGMAD - Fixed a problem that could cause the Out of Office agent to erroneously be enabled when the design of a mail database was upgraded from R7 or earlier to R8 or newer. This regression was introduced in 8.0. (Technote #1307609)
  • SPR# JXBI757BKG - When processing a large number of mail messages with the same time stamp (i.e. a broadcast), MTC may allocate too much memory and crash the server. With this fix, MTC will only process a set number of those messages at a time. (Technote #1290411)
  • SPR# MJBG7EY6TX - Code added in 8.0 for the Compact -i option can cause a panic if there are error's in some of the special objects in the database. This fix corrects the error paths to not panic and handle the error's correctly. If the special object would cause the database to be unusable the request fails and fixup should be used to correct the database. Fixup is changed to fix one of the special objects that causes this problem. (Technote #1321577)
  • SPR# TMDS7B5SCY - With this fix, non server partitions will not use Global namespace for memory on Windows by default (instead by default they will use Local memory). (Technote #1295156)
  • SPR# YXIG7FZR2K - Fixed a problem where compression buffer usage expands up memory usage and causes system crashes. This fix caps the memory usage per note to 256K.
  • SPR# MLEE6A5M2C - Fixed a potential crash when hitting an insufficient memory condition. The fix checks to see if the memory blocks are allocated before the attempt is made to use them. If they are unallocated a return code is set and the function returns. (Technote #1258178)
  • SPR# WWHN6LFNDU - Fixed a server crash while trying to lock a null namelist handle. An error message will now be returned. (Technote# 1230868)
  • SPR# YPHG73H392 - Fixed a server crash which occurred due to a stack overflow generated by an infinite loop recursion during view update. (Technote #1299633)
  • SPR# ABUI6LCSE5 - After upgrading the client to Notes Domino 7 or above, bookmarks were disappearing from the left vertical bookmark bar. This pertains to users that were designated as a roaming user during their registration. If they were, then when that user is upgraded from one version to another major version like from 6x to 7x or 7x to 8x or 6x to 8x ,,, the user would loose their root/top level bookmarks only (not folders or those folder's contents). This was do to the design of the bookmarks being completely replaced (doing standard upgrade between releases), and part of the design was not marked as part of the user's bookmarks and was lost. The fix was to mark these design objects that were being lost during design replacement as protected so they would not be deleted. (Technote #1229017)
  • SPR# KMUR789HBJ - With this fix, the collections collation blocks are now available to get current collation information.
  • SPR# DOLA7GTHGR - Fixed a problem where bad data was appearing in the blind carbon copy of a mail message. This problem crashed the router. The source of the data has not been determined but this fix prevents the crash with a defensive fix.
  • SPR# DCOE7FNNCV - This fix minimizes the memory used by the SCR replication queue. Also fixes a folder replication problem in SCR where messages might reappear in the Inbox. A workaround to this problem is to add the following to the Server.ini, "Debug_SCR_Disabled=1". (Technote #1304671)
  • SPR# SNES7E8LSH - Starting in 8.0.1, effective policies were now being calculated on the server and stored on the client and settings documents were no longer being stored in the local address book. But the Archive Criteria documents still needed to be copied locally and that was no longer being done. Therefore the code has been corrected so that the Archive Criteria settings will still be copied down. (Technote #1304196)
  • SPR# JFAA65GMQH - This fix will eliminate a crash in Endp_GetFirstRqst during normal operation of IMAP.
  • +SPR# MOBN7KENLV - Fixed a problem where servers and clients could not replicate to R5.x servers. This regression was introduced in 8.0.2. (Technote #1329588)
  • +SPR# STAA7EUB4L - Changed some LMBCS characters' convertion property to ensure that Japanese characters can be convert to LMBCS in group 0x10. This regression was introduced in 8.0. (Technote #1367589)
  • SPR# JBAA63ZL9J - Fixed a memory overwrite issue that could cause a "PANIC: LookupHandle: null handle" during CD to MIME conversion of some messages.
  • SPR# VMRU785NGS - This fix addresses a memory utilization problem that could lead to a server crash when using SCR. (Technote #1367591)
  • SPR# AONL795KLB - Fixed a problem where replicated messages were not appearing in the IMAP client's inbox. A workaround to this problem is to disable SCR by using the Notes.ini variable "Debug_SCR_Disabled=1". (Technote #1367214)
  • SPR# VDES64KEAR - This fix prevents a crash during CD to MIME conversion when importing a GIF file. This problem has been fixed. (Technote #1188532)
  • SPR# CBMO7EDL2Q - Fixed a CompoundTextDiscard crash when backup was running on activity.nsf.
  • SPR# MKIN7DJLGG - Fixed an HTTP crash when exporting a Notes ID via Domino Web Access. (Technote #1327938)
  • SPR# NRBY7EDMBG - Changed the router so that by default, messages larger than 2mb are only delivered to 1 local delivery recipient at a time. Prior to this change, the Notes.ini RouterMaxConcurrentDeliverySize needed to be defined to limit concurrent delivery of large messages, but with this fix a default of 2MB is used. The Notes.ini setting can still be used to change the size at which concurrent delivery to multiple recipients is limited.
  • SPR# LHAR72NGKC - Fixed a router crash on a message when converting it from MIME To CD when MailConvertMIMEOnTransfer=1 was enabled in the notes.ini. (Technote# 1322222)
  • SPR# SEGN78WNRF - Introduced a new notes.ini variable "NSF_XACL_POOLSIZE_MB" to increase the size of the "NSF extended acl pool" to avoid the "Insufficient memory - NSF extended acl pool is full" problem. (Technote #1327954)
  • SPR# OFFI7FYU8S - Fixed a server crash under low memory conditions. (Technote #1271178)
  • SPR# RCFE7DJNKD - This fix prevents Notes from trying to update the design of a read-only database, which can under certain circumstances result in write errors when trying to open a database on read-only media. (Technote #1300199)
  • SPR# HARL6SPCHJ - Fix for a router crash when a C&S instance note was marked as a message and dropping into the wrong codepath.
  • +SPR# KTIS7LBSQ3 - Code was introduced in Domino 8.0.2 that would cause deadlocks on transactionally logged servers to not be detected leading to transaction log full conditions. This can happen on any server with transaction logging enabled with no indication that there is a problem other than threads waiting forever. This regression was introduced in 8.0.2.
  • SPR# KHAN7JSNVN - This fix prevents an issue with databases residing on read-only media whereby the view will not load when the database is opened. (Technote #1367605)
  • SPR# NBRR7JSURU - Added Argentina, Brazil, Pakistan, Morroco, and Mauritius DST changes reflected in tzdata2008f.
  • +SPR# KHAN7JRMUF - This fix prevents an LDAP crash which can occur under circumstances when LDAP qualification debug is enabled. This regression was introduced in 7.0.3. (Technote #1368013)
  • SPR# PON5E4QHX - In the standard client, when the user id is locked, the password prompt is shown. If 'ProcessConfigChange' is invoked due to a change in some system settings (registry or .ini or similar), ProcessConfigChange during processing tries to authenticate the user, as the user id file is already in use, it cannot be accessed again. This leads to displaying the error prompt "ID file in use....". This fix defers the processing of 'ProcessConfigChange' until the ID is locked. (Technote #1098391)
  • SPR# JMOE7GBUH5 - RSS Feeds are unable to be retrieved (using the RSS Feed Reader) when the QuickR server hosting the RSS feeds is protected by a TAM server. The fix for this problem is in Notes 8.0.2 FP1.
  • SPR# JCHN7HWME9 - This fix prevents a possible cause of time creep.
  • SPR# JPDC7HAA6A - Symphony from Notes802: Failed to "Add to place","Open from place".
  • +SPR# PGAE7GSLPD - The MIME_Convert_HTML_To_Attachment=1 Notes.ini setting stopped working as a result of a fix in 7.0.4. The ini now works as originally designed: HTML parts in the original MIME message are stored as file attachments after a MIME to CD conversion. This regression was introduced in 7.0.4 and 8.0.1. (Technote #1368064)
  • +SPR# BNEC7JJNBA - Fixed an XLS indexing problem and removed debugging message. This regression was introduced in 8.0.2. (Technote #1327877)
  • SPR# JPAI7FCJ32 - Fixed instances where SCR did not handle some errors correctly.
  • SPR# JCHN7KGKBR - This fix reduces the amount of memory used by Streaming Cluster Replication.
  • +SPR# PRAD7JKKZS - Fixed an issue with users accessing specific documents. This regression was introduced in 8.0.
  • SPR# DANO7H9RPE - Addressed a problem with policies.
  • +SPR# TAIA7EKEEX - Fixed a hang when the preview pane was changed to a very small size. This regression was introduced in 8.0.1. (Technote #1368069)

Additional Client Fix Pack Information
There were 13 sprs in 8.0.2 Cumulative Client Hotfix 3 that did not make 8.0.2 Fix Pack 1.
There were 20 sprs in 8.0.2 Fix Pack 1 beyond what was included in CCH3.

We recommend customers deploy 8.0.2 Fix Pack 1 unless there is a specific issue in CCH3 that is needed. An upcoming 8.0.2 FP1 CCH1 will combine all the fixes from CCH3 and FP1.

SPRs in CCH3, but not in 8.0.2 FP1:
  • SPR# SKIN7KFQG5 - Fixed a client crash
  • SPR# JMAN7K3RDN - Forces the local mail file preferred server to be the current home server
  • SPR# LMAU7KVQGC - Fix crash when trying to accept a meeting invite or update
  • SPR# DDES7KPR9M - Fix a client crash when deleting workspace icon
  • SPR# CMAS7LKPD7 - Fixed general instability caused by memory corruption when reading PAB data
  • SPR# RBEO7GVLCJ - Crash cancelling a meeting from the calendar sidebar
  • SPR# AGUD7DSU3Q - Queryclose cannot prevent user closing document
  • SPR# RBOD7GVSMS - Mail file owner field changed when switching locations/IDs w/synchronize contacts enabled
  • SPR# KKOO7D6DQ3 - Fix the text that is being cut off when printing or previewing Monthly calendar
  • SPR# TBOO7J7GH2 - Fix error reported when opening repeating calendar entries

  • SPR# DMOE7KXQ6F - Trash icon missing from Inbox view

IBM Lotus Expeditor
  • SPR# LFOS7K9SVF - Hotfix on an existing 8.0.2 client breaks RSS Feeds
  • SPR# DBRK7LXE6V - Hebrew words in reverse order in "Day-At-A-Glance" for meeting

IBM Lotus Instant Messaging
  • SPR# XLZG7KTSML - Error "an internal error occurred during "buddyListPolicyJob"
  • SPR# CJKE7M8KWD - Embedded Sametime brokerbridge feature (Office Integration channel) stops on machine hibernate
  • SPR# KRED7CAPZW - Location popup not appearing over VPN

SPRs in 8.0.2 FP1, but not in CCH3:
  • SPR# XQCO7AG8VL - Notes client steal focus from other application
  • SPR# TMDS7GYRFU - "Show in-line MIME images as attachments" causes client crash
  • SPR# JKEY7GEF2H - Installation of OS DST patch causes timezone issues in Notes Client
  • SPR# JCHM77EPED - Update Blocker Document Agent creating false reservations
  • SPR# HARL6SPCHJ - Crash due to a response to a repeated meeting in mailfiles
  • SPR# PON5E4QHX - "The ID File is in Use Elsewhere and Cannot Be Modified" when coming out of lockup
  • SPR# TTEA79YF2U - Using @Command( [FileExit] ) doesn't close the Notes Client in Lotus Notes 8.0 Standard
  • SPR# PJON7DTPXK - DPAB entry that matches personal contact entry causes mail send agents to fail
  • SPR# ABUI6LCSE5 - After Client Upgrade To ND7 or above, Bookmarks Are Disappearing From The Left Vertical Bookmark Bar
  • SPR# DANO7H9RPE - User B can get User A's policy settings in ID file
  • SPR# TMDS7B5SCY - Citrix: Two users with Admin rights on the Windows server, cannot launch Lotus Notes simultaneously
  • SPR# RCFE7DJNKD - "Cannot write or create file (file or disk is read-only)" when attempt to open a db on CD/DVD from ND6/7 Client on ND8
  • SPR# TAIA7EKEEX - Notes Client hangs previewing a document with scroll bar
  • SPR# WTUZ7EEL85 - New replica database is missing documents
  • SPR# TBRD7H4RFF - Server and Client shutdown problems
  • SPR# CTSI7GRJ7C - @Command([WorkspaceStackReplicaIcons]) errors with "Cannot execute the specified command"
  • SPR# YXIG6MMSUT - Domino crash on directory catalog
  • SPR# JFAA65GMQH - IMAP Crash during normal operation : Endp_GetFirstRqst

  • SPR# ACGB7LAM7F - New tool on all toolbars missing drop down list when using translated template
  • SPR# JWOD7H9JE4- Setting updates to manual will cause the CPU to go to 100% busy

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