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Notes/Domino 7.0.2 FP3 Release Notice
January 10, 2008

IBM Lotus announces Domino 7.0.2 Fix Pack 3. IBM strongly recommends upgrading to the latest Fix Pack, since Fix Packs address a small percentage of defects that impact the broadest set of customers. This is a scheduled Fix Pack of a limited number of low-risk/high-impact fixes to help customers safely avoid known problems. Fix Packs are released periodically between Maintenance Releases to provide a greater level of stability for customer environments. Fix Packs go through the same level of fix, regression and interoperability testing that occurs with our Maintenance Releases. 7.0.2 Fix Pack 3 is cumulative and contains all of the fixes from previous Domino 7.0.2 Fix Packs, and may be applied on any language version of Domino 7.0.2.

All fixes in this Fix Pack have already been successfully deployed at customer sites. Unless otherwise indicated below, all fixes included in this Fix Pack have been shipped in 7.0.3. Customers unable to upgrade to later Maintenance Releases should install Fix Packs to benefit from later fixes made to the product. By providing a small number of fixes, customers are able to accept fewer code changes with lower risk, allowing them to "patch" an older Maintenance Release until a more extensive upgrade to the current Maintenance Release is possible. Fix Packs may be downloaded from the web, but will not be distributed on CD.

While Fix Packs provide important fixes and IBM strongly recommends applying the latest Fix pack available for a Maintenance Release, IBM still recommends that customers upgrade to the latest Maintenance Release + Fix Pack combination to receive the broadest set of fixes available. You will receive more overall fixes with a later Maintenance Release + Fix Pack than with a set of Fix Packs on top of an earlier maintenance Release.

The following is a list of the problems fixed in this 7.0.2 Fix Pack.

1. There are 7 fixes below with a plus symbol (+) before the SPR number. This symbol indicates fixes for regression bugs. A regression bug is a bug that was introduced in a Maintenance Release that did not exist in previous releases of that code stream. For example, a bug that appears in R7.0.2 but did not exist in R7.0 is a regression.
2. Technote Numbers are displayed in parentheses following the fix description.

IBM Lotus Domino Web Access
  • SPR# HSAO6ZZNZL - Fixed a crash in the HTTP task, when the Domino Web Access user preference specified a calendar print end-time of midnight. (TN# 1258746)
  • +SPR# LKIM6YGS9P - HTML images are displayed as Red "x" symbols when accessing HTML messages. This regression was introduced in 7.0.2 FP1. (TN# 1255466)
  • SPR# LORN6UHQB4 - Domino HTTP crashed due to an uninitialized internal table handle. (TN# 1280010)
  • SPR# LORN6VLQCU - Fixed a crash when forwarding multiple messages with attachments with the same name and over quota. (TN# 1286380)
  • SPR# VDES6Y9D8F - Fixed a crash when de-referencing a null pointer. (TN# 1290344)

  • SPR# AHOE6PMQ63 - Fixed a possible Domino crash caused when evaluating the body of specific SMTP messages. (TN# 1266629)
  • SPR# ATHS6EMU24 - API programs have bugs where they call NSFDbClose with a stale or invalid handle. This fix validates the handle to see if it is a valid allocated handle. It does not protect against an API program stealing a handle it already released via a previous NSFDbClose, that another accessor owned. (TN# 1247719)
  • SPR# CAOA6TM4V5 - Prior to this fix, "Maximum active sessions" would not work when "Load Internet configurations from Server\Internet Sites documents" was enabled. (TN# 1290881)
  • SPR# DBLK6PUTDQ - Fixed a server crash which occurred when running Fixup on a corrupted mailfile or mailbox. Code has been added to validate and fix the UNK table when it is detected to be bad. (TN# 1243985)
  • SPR# DPOS4KEK4E - Fixed a problem with container leaks in IMAP. This has also been fixed in 7.0.3 and a subsequent additional case is fixed in 7.0.4. (TN# 1214977)
  • SPR# GHAN6YFQ9F - Fixed a Domino crash in ServerGetNotes. With this fix, a check was added to the Notes handle before calling OSLockObject function. (TN #1258247)
  • SPR# GRCE6HWR8X - Fixed a full text highlighting crash that may occur under low memory conditions. (TN# 1264481)
  • SPR# JALS6ZZTQ3 - Fixed a Server crash when using the iNotes mail template. This problem has also been fixed in 7.0.4 (TN# 1281894)
  • SPR# JCHN65AH3B - Fixed a crash related to views where a storage container was incorrectly left open. Diagnostic code was added to help troubleshoot any additional cases. (TN# 1260568)
  • +SPR# JLAE766KP8 - Prior to this fix, Sametime was using excessive CPU when entering the "Meetings In Progress" page. This regression was introduced in 7.0.2 FP2 and has been fixed in 7.0.4. This regression was found internally at IBM and has not been reported by any customers.
  • SPR# JPIU746Q8S - Fixed a potential crash in AdminP moving a mail file between two servers. The "Monitor New Mailfile Fields" request can crash while attempting to adjust the mail file machine names from the old server name to the new server name. (TN# 1281831)
  • +SPR# KCAR6VLSB6 - Fixed a problem in NSFComputeEvaluateExt where the AllowDWordResults flag was not being honored when more than 64K of data is returned to a field in a web application. This regression was introduced on 7.0.1 FP1. (TN# 1260141)
  • SPR# KEMG6M9RAU - Fixed an issue where the Evaluate LotusScript Method was returning unexpected results. See technote # 1273266 for more details. (TN# 1273266)
  • +SPR# KTIS6VBQSS - Fixed a problem where the default file extension name was used for the text/html part and was displayed as C.DTF instead of C.HTM. This regression was introduced in 7.0. (TN# 1253477, 1237756)
  • +SPR# LVAE6PLEVL - Fixed the handling of content-type headers in mime to cd conversion to avoid crashing when reading empty parts. This regression was introduced in 7.0 and is inclusive of KTIS6WPLZA, which was a regression introduced in 7.0.3. (TN# 1237756)
  • +SPR# MPUL74ULYK - Fixed a bind problem with non-ascii characters on Solaris. Prior to this fix, LDAP authentication failed when the Domain Name contained a non ascii character. This regression was introduced in 7.0 even though no specific Domino code change caused this regression. It is possible that compiler differences on Solaris were the cause. This problem has been fixed in 7.0.4. (TN# 1270759)
  • SPR# MRSI6VU8CT - Fixed an AdminP crash which occurred when $TITLE was a textlist with no entry. (TN# 1253465)
  • SPR# MSER6RZLGS - Prior to this fix, low memory resulted in a panic because memory that was to be freed was not allocated. (TN# 1288945)
  • SPR# PRAD74LKW5 - Fixed potential Lotus Domino IMAP Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. See technote # 1270623 for more details. (TN# 1270623)
  • SPR# PRJI6YM2ZL - Fixed a Server crash on the router while sending mail. (TN# 1272526)
  • SPR# RBRE6W2L64 - With this fix, random crashes are avoided in LSXBE when running agents. This issue occurred more frequently with web triggered agents in the HTTP task. (TN# 1291503)
  • +SPR# SODY73ND6X - Fixed a performance issue which occurs when LotusScript code that uses a list variable was assigned an array of objects. This regression was introduced in 7.0.2 and 8.0 with SPR #KGUT6HWKUZ. With this fix, code is returned to pre 7.0.2 behavior. To activate the fix for KGUT6HWKUZ, you can use the Notes.ini variable "WebArrayCleanup", keeping in mind the performance problem with arrays. (TN# 1260778)
  • SPR# SVRO74KVS5 - New Zealand update for: Stale Timezone table in Domino causes DST issues in specific areas. (TN# 1264550)
  • SPR# SVRO78PS2R - Included the JTZU 1.6.7h DST updates in the Domino JVM. The JVM was updated for the following countries: Brazil, Egypt, Gaza, Iran, and Venezuela. Note: Venezuela is coded to use an implementation date of January 1st 2008. This problem will be fixed in 7.0.4. (TN# 1264550)
  • SPR# SVRO78PSNU - DST/Timezone updates needed for internal Domino timezone table for changes in Brazil, E Australia, Venezuela. This problem has been fixed in 7.0.4.
  • SPR# TKIE5X76ZT - Fixed Server crash in DBDIRMAN caused by a fullpitch DBCS character in file name. (TN# 1285417)
  • SPR# TFER6QB538 - Fixed an issue with an internal API argument data type which resulted in the possible loss of data on AIX & Solaris due to the size of handle being 16 bits on these platforms. When this data loss happened it could cause semaphore hangs. (TN# 1265620)
  • SPR# TMIZ6SFCW6 - Fixed handling of content-type header and name parameters for filenames. (TN# 1244539)
  • SPR# WRAY6WFKKM - Fixed an HTTP crash when deleting a corrupt document missing a profile note. This problem has been fixed in 7.0.4. (TN# 1260909)
  • SPR# WRAY6WHTCC - Fixed a potential denial of service.
  • SPR# WSCN6YSSQJ - Fixed random full text indexing memory issues/crashes. (TN# 1290302)

  • SPR# AYIU74DS5N - With this fix, a core dump will be generated with exception context. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# HANA6QLPX3 - If there is no terminal available and the Java console is being used, NSD sometimes reports a 'ps' error. The error is fixed and no longer appears on the console. (TN# 1251991)
  • SPR# JROU73QLZV - With this fix, a check has been added for APAR 95868 in NSD on AIX. And if available, procstack will be used as the debugger. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# JROU747M6R - Added the NSD version number to the NSD header in log files (uses same version scheme as NSD on Windows). (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# MIAS72UJF2 - Fixed the error: "Warning (0): symbol libnotes.so:MemcheckSymbols was not found" on the Linux platform. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# RGET6X9MQE - Previous changes where made in NSD to validate stack frames, however, these changes resulted in the printing of the message "Invalid stack frame detected" even when things are normal with the stack. This fix is to change the wording of the message to sound less severe ("stack frame anomaly detected") and suppress this message unless the stack is considered truncated. This regression was introduced in 7.0. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# RGET6Y2KWL - When DEBUG_TRAPLEAKS is enabled, allocated block information is reported in NSD. Note that since Notes/Domino will not have completely terminated, then the data will include non-leaking memory as well. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# RGET6Y8N84 - Prior to this fix, Notes DPOOL descriptions were missing in process memory mappings. This problem will be fixed in 7.0.4. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# RGET6ZR2BW - With this fix, open documents and resource usage now prints out agent names. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# SCOS6QSLCP - NSD version information is now available on Unix. This change is included in 6.5.6 FP2 and 8.0.1. (TN# 1233676)
  • SPR# SCOS752SFE - NSD uses standard version numbers. This change is included in 6.5.6 FP2 and 8.0.1. (TN# 1233676)

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