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SPR # GKLA9YUS2B fixed in 10.0 releaseRecommended Release (14.0 FP2)

Product Area: Client Technical Area: Calendar & Scheduling Platform: Cross Platform

Template fix: mail9.ntf

SPR# GKLA9YUS2B - When adding a non-Notes/Domino invitee to an existing repeating meeting, compatiblity mode settings can result in the chair being limited to adding the invitee to a single instance at a time. This makes it difficult to add such an invitee to an existing repeating meeting that has many instances. This fix removes that limitation where the chairs can add such invitees to "Just this Instance", "This and All Previous Instances", "This and all Future instances" and "All Instances".

APAR: LO87754
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Last Modified on 04/08/2019

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