This article will cover the following topics for Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Notes Federated Login: Notes Federated Login Overview, Notes Federated Login Deployment Overview, Debug Tips. This content was provided by Na Pei of the IBM Notes Development team
Table listing new features in IBM Notes 9.0 and the requirements for each feature. Each row indicates the minimum server version, ODS, and template required for the feature to work, and also whether it requires Notes Standard Configuration or Notes Basic Configuration.
Buongiorno a tutti, abbiamo la necessità di configurare una casella PEC su domino, vorrei alcune informazioni a riguardo: Server LD8.5.1 FP3 win 2003 Client LN 8.5.2.FP2 dominio dominio PEC : in hosting è possibile configurare Notes per scaricare via ...