Upgrading a Domino 8 Server from Windows 2003 to Windows 2008 Added by ~Hal Froweterli on February 23, 2011 | Version 1
In 2009, Lotus Domino 8.x became certified on Windows Server 2008 (WS8). But many administrators already have Domino 8 running on Windows Server 2003 (WS3). So a logical operation at an established Notes/Domino shop is to upgrade an existing Domino 8 server from WS3 to WS8. I performed this operation recently, and ran into a couple gotchas that administrators should be aware of.
In 2009, Lotus Domino 8.x became certified on Windows Server 2008 (WS8). But many administrators already have Domino 8 running on Windows Server 2003 (WS3). So a logical operation at an established Notes/Domino shop is to upgrade an existing Domino 8 server from WS3 to WS8. I performed this operation recently, and ran into a couple gotchas that administrators should be aware of. Chuck Connell |