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Use the following tips if you can't lock or unlock documents, if you're working offline, or if you have other questions about locking documents in Notes.
Why can't I lock documents
To lock documents, in an application an administration server must be defined in the access control list (ACL) of the application, and document locking must be enabled.
How can I get a document unlocked if I cannot unlock it
Application managers can unlock documents that are locked. However, managers cannot edit a locked document.
Can I lock a document if I am working offline
If you attempt to lock a document while you are working offline, you receive a message that the application cannot be reached. You can still proceed with locking the document, however, your edits may not be saved if another person is editing the same document. If this happens, you receive a message containing your modified document along with notification that your changes were not incorporated into the document.
What happens if I do not lock the document and another person edits at the same time I do
If a document is not locked and two or more people make changes to the same document, replication and save conflicts are created.
Why am I being prompted for a user ID
To access a locked document, you must open it using the same User ID that was used to lock the document.
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