McAfee and Domino 8.5 Exclusions guide and issues. Added by ~Chloe Prefoolygon on October 28, 2010 | Version 1
McAfee is a little behind on Domino 8 support. Domino server performance can take a hit. Here is some info and hotfix stuff to guide you .
I called McAfee support to clarify that their posted 'Breakdown of Exclusions " from the Corporate KnowledgeBase VirusScan Enterprise exclusions (Master Article) More specifically > is valid for Domino 8.5 These exclusions only specified Domino R5, R6, R7 and they will be updating it to reflect R8. They offered to remote in to apply these exclusions under support using the following information. phone; 1-866-622-3911 (ASK FOR THE VIRUS SCAN TEAM) There are the following hotfixes available that they can determine once you call: GroupShield 7.0 (old) patch 1 and patch 2 GroupShield 7.5 - there are (4) hotfixes that are directly related to McAfee servicing Domino 8.5 |