To install the IBM Lotus-Branded ODBC driver for UNIX, follow these steps:
1. Obtain the compressed .taz file from Passport Advantage.
2. Switch user to root and extract the drivers to a temporary directory of your choice.
3. Once you have the package uncompressed, type "./setupLinux" or AIX. This will launch the Java program to install the drivers.
4. The drivers will install by default into the /opt/odbc folder on the machine. Simply follow the prompts for a default install.
Then set environment variables in the .profile of the notes user
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/odbc/bin
export LIBPATH=$PATH:/opt/odbc/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH;/opt/odbc/lib
export ODBCHOME=/opt/odbc
export ODBCINI=/opt/odbc/odbc.ini
Note: some operating systems use LIBPATH, some LD_LIBRARY_PATH and in some there are both. If they both exist, add to both.
Then set up odbc.ini using the templates provided.
You then need to shut down Domino and restart it so that those variables become a part of the environment that Domino is operating under.
NOTE: You may experience issues with file permissions. They may show up as errors such as "Unable to load connectivity to..." or "Error creating product object."
To help you resolve those open a new session with the environment of notes. The use the test utility dctest in the Domino program director and choose ODBC. It will tell you if it is able to find the odbc driver files. You can also use the UNIX command, if it exists on your system:
ldd odbc2.dcx.
It will tell you if you can access the necessary files with the permissions in the notes user's environment.