This article lists the IBM Lotus applications that are focus to the end user. If you are a Lotus user and you want to understand the products you can use, you can start checking this article. Tags: Lotus, user, applications, sametime, notes, quickr, windows, linux, macOS, iphone, BlackBerry, livemeetings, web conference
This article is focused on IBM branded Lotus applications for non-technical users. The idea is to list the applications and plugins that can be installed in a specific operating system available for the User.
Desktop PC Applications
This are the User's IBM Lotus applications that can be installed in a desktop PC operating system as stand alone applications.
Name |
Last Version (Stable) |
Quick Description |
Platform |
Link |
Lotus Notes |
8.5.3 (fixlist) - FP2 (July, 2012) |
A famous collaboration client from Lotus that includes email, calendar, contacts, to do, and applications that you can create and share. Since version 8, it also includes Lotus Sametime (chat) and Lotus Symphony (office suite). |


Lotus Symphony |
3.0.1 |
A free office suite, with documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. It is included in Lotus Notes, or as a stand alone application, which you can download, install and use free of charge. |


Lotus Quickr Connector |
8.5.0 - HF13 |
The Quickr Connector Client lets you collaborate and manage documents more easily. You can upload files to a server/central location that is accessible by your team and more.
The installers come with Lotus Quickr connector for:
Windows Explorer
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Outlook
Lotus Notes
Lotus Sametime


IBM Sametime Connect |
An instant messaging client for chat collaboration. It is included in Lotus Notes, or as a stand alone product.
The Lotus Sametime Connect Clients package also comes with an Lotus Notes and Microsoft Outlook integration plug-in. |


Lotus Sametime Unyte (Discontinued) |
App -
Unyte Plugin -
A web conference tool that allows your to share your desktop quickly on the web. Very useful for web/phone Conferences.
This tool will also install a plugin in the Internet Browser to access online Web Conferences. |


Lotus Offline Learning Client
(Discontinued) |
1.0.5 lms105_SP3_
May 23, 2007 11:55 AM |
A tool for downloading e-learning material and train yourself in your own time. |


Mobile Apps
Name |
Last Version (Stable) |
Quick Description |
Platform |
Link |
IBM SmartCloud Meetings
(formerly LotusLive Mobile Meetings)
iPhone/iPad - 8.5.2 (Mar 8, 2012)
Blackberry - 8.5.2 (Mar 2, 2012)
Android - (Mar 5, 2012)
LotusLive Meetings is a service where you can host an internet Web Conference, share presentation, live video and chat with the people involved.
If you want to be able to connect everywhere, there is this app for iPhone and Blackberry that allow you to assist webmeetings from almost everywhere. |


(Android Market)

(Blackberry App World)


IBM Lotus Notes Traveler Companion |
iOS (iPhone / iPad) - 2.0.7 (April 17, 2012)
IBM® Lotus® Notes® Traveler Companion offers IBM Lotus Domino® mail extensions for Domino mail. Now, users who synchronize their Domino mail using IBM Lotus Notes Traveler have the additional feature of viewing Domino-encrypted mail on their iPhone! |


(iPhone / iPad)
IBM Lotus Sametime Connect |
Android (
iOS (iPhone / iPad) - (Jan 19, 2012)
Nokia (Symbian)
Windows Mobile
This is the mobile version of IBM Lotus Sametime Connect, so you can connect to a Lotus Sametime server and chat from a mobile device.
This package is include inside the Lotus Sametime Connect Clients file. |


(Android Market)

(iPhone / iPad)
IBM Connections |
Android - 3.0.5 (Mar 14, 2012)
Blackberry - 3.0.5 (Mar 12, 2012)
iOS - 3.1.1 (Nov 21, 2011)
IBM® Connections is social software for business. It enables you to build a network of colleagues and subject matter experts, and then leverage that network to further your business goals. With its integrated suite of tools, you can share and discuss ideas, work collaboratively on presentations or proposals, plan and track project tasks, and much more. IBM Connections is a web application that is deployed on a company intranet to promote collaboration within the company. The IBM Connections mobile application extends access to company data to employees who are on the go. |


(Android Market)

(Blackberry App World)

(iOS App Store)
IBM Lotus Symphony Viewer |
Android - 1.0.0 (Nov 18, 2011)
iOS - 1.0.0 (Dec 12, 2011)
With the IBM® Lotus® Symphony Viewer you can view Open Document Format (ODF) text documents, presentations, and spreadsheets downloaded to your phone or tablet without the need for any network connection. Launch the viewer directly from the application icon and choose an ODF file to view, or select Symphony when you want to view an ODF document from another application such as IBM Lotus Notes® Traveler.
Connect a projector dongle to your phone or tablet to use the viewer as your presentation source.


(Android Market)

(iOS App Store)
Lotus Products Plugins
This are the User's IBM Lotus plugins for other Lotus products.
Name |
Last Version (Stable) |
Quick Description |
Platform |
Link |
The IBM SmartCloud Meeting Plug-in for Sametime and Lotus Notes | |
The LotusLive Meeting Plug-in for Sametime and Lotus Notes. This Widget will help you lauching IBM SmartCloud Meetings directly from Lotus Notes and Sametime Connect. |


Connector for Lotus Symphony |
Jan. 5th 2012 |
The IBM LotusLive Connector for Lotus Symphony plugin is a plugin which simplifies creating, updating, and sharing your LotusLive files. The IBM LotusLive Connector for Lotus Symphony includes a capabilities to launch a new meeting. This is an emerging plugin, and go under updates, and quality control. |


Learning Widget for Lotus Notes |
2011 |
The IBM® Lotus® Learning Widget for IBM® Lotus Notes® is a sidebar widget that is used to view and filter learning materials inside your IBM Lotus Notes client, version 8.0.1 or higher. |

Link |
Browser Plugins
This is the software that can be installed on Internet browsers like Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Name |
Last Version (Stable) |
Quick Description |
Platform |
Link |
LotusLive Meetings |
IBM 821 Conference Plugin |
LotusLive Meetings is a service where you can host an internet Web Conference, share presentation, live video and chat with the people involved. This plugin will install into your browser so you make and log in to a Web Conferences.
This will install:
Firefox Conferencing Plugin
Internet Explorer Conferencing Plugin
Chrome Conferencing Plugin
Microsoft Outlook Conference Schedule Add-on


Third-party Apps Integration
Name |
Last Version (Stable) |
Quick Description |
Platform |
Link |
IBM Connections Plug-in for Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows |
3.0.1 |
Add a Microsoft Office document to a Connections activity
Create a To Do list from a Microsoft Word document for a Connections activity
Add a Microsoft Word document to a Connections blog
Search on a person's name to view their Connections profile and insert their profile data into a Microsoft Word document
Add a Microsoft Word document to a Connections wiki
Add a link from a Microsoft Word document to Connections Bookmarks, or insert a link from Bookmarks into a Word document


IBM Sametime Office Integration | |
This software will provide IBM Sametime integration on Microsoft Office (It requires Sametime connect to be installed) |
