This article describes the various features of workspace of the Notes client.
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Notes client workspace is a launchpad for Notes Applications' icons. The user can perform a number of operations on the workspace.
Create a workspace page
The user can create a workspace page, details are outlined here > http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/xpDocViewer.xsp?lookupName=IBM+Notes+9.0+Social+Edition#action=openDocument&res_title=How_do_I_create_a_workspace_page_N90&content=pdcontent
The user can create a maximum of 32 pages and every page name can have 32 character maximum.
Open a workspace page
To open the workspace, follow instructions given here > http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/xpDocViewer.xsp?lookupName=IBM+Notes+9.0+Social+Edition#action=openDocument&res_title=Using_the_Notes_workspace_N90&content=pdcontent
Name a workspace page
To name a workspace page, follow instructions here >
The workspace page title box will adjust according to the number of characters given in the page name. Hence, the user can see more workspace pages at a time.
Delete a workspace page
To delete a workspace page, follow instructions here > http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/xpDocViewer.xsp?lookupName=IBM+Notes+9.0+Social+Edition#action=openDocument&res_title=How_do_I_delete_a_workspace_page_N90&content=pdcontent
Switch to a workspace page
To switch to a workspace page, follow instructions here > http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/xpDocViewer.xsp?lookupName=IBM+Notes+9.0+Social+Edition#action=openDocument&res_title=How_do_I_switch_to_a_different_workspace_page_N90&content=pdcontent
The user can now know which workspace the user is working on. It depends on what theme is being used by the user.
User using "IBM Social Theme"
If the user is using "IBM Social Theme", you will see the selected workspace page is highlighted with a fin. Refer to the "fin" highlighted in green box below.
Note: IBM Social theme is available with IBM Notes v9.x
User using "Notes 8 Theme" or "Operating system Theme"
If the user is using "Notes 8 Theme" or "Operating system Theme", The selected workspace page is highlighted in a different color. Refer to the green box in below figure.
Change the workspace color
To change the color of the workspace page, follow instructions here >
Compact your workspace
To compact your, follow instructions here > http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/xpDocViewer.xsp?lookupName=IBM+Notes+9.0+Social+Edition#action=openDocument&res_title=To_compact_your_workspace_file_N90&content=pdcontent
Search your workspace page(s)
Search in a particular workspace page.
If you have too many icons in the workspace page, you will have difficulty searching a particular DB icon. As a user, you may want to navigate to a particular workspace icon/chicklet. You can do so by following the below steps.
1. Open the workspace page.
2. Press the first letter key of the database icon name. This will point to the first icon on the selected workspace page. Press the character again. It will go to the next database icon starting with that letter.
Search through all the workspace pages.
You might have a lot of workspace icons and might have arranged in different workspace pages. But, now, you might not remember which workspace page the icon is. You can search through all your workspace pages with the help of the following steps.
1. Select any icon on any page.
2. Press CTRL + F and type the database icon name or any characters of the database name.
This will take you to the workspace page which contains the characters you typed in Step2.
For example, in below figure, "mple" was given the search string. It searched for a DB icon - "Simple database" which contained "mple".
About the Author
Manvendra S Tomar is working with IBM - India Software Labs, as Staff Software Engineer and currently working with Notes Client product team. You can reach Manvendra at manavtomar@in.ibm.com. |