Specifies whether or not the "Update Client Information in Person Record" request appears in the AdminP requests (admin4.nsf database).
You may want to enable this parameter if your organization prefers, perhaps for privacy reasons, not to capture updates to client information (license, Notes client platform, Notes client build, and the Notes client machine).
The parameter can be used in two ways:
It can be set in the NOTES.INI on the machine of specific clients to prevent a subset of clients from sending their information to AdminP on servers which are defined as home mail server in clients' current location documents.
It can be set in the NOTES.INI on a server to prevent all clients of users whose person documents define this server as home mail server from having their information sent to this server's AdminP.
0 - Allows the request to appear
1 - Prevents the request from appearing
Note This parameter is also a useful improvement if your organization has ever used the NOTES.INI parameter ADMINP_IGNORE_UPDATE_CLIENT_INFORMATION_REQUESTS. That parameter was added in an earlier Notes/Domino release. It allowed the requests to be generated but just not processed. This could have the unintended effect of filling admin4.nsf with unneeded requests.
Applies to:
A single server, or to specific client machines
Default Value:
UI Equivalent:
Disable_ClientRecord = 0/1
Available Since:
Lotus Notes/Domino 8.0
Related Reference: