~James Umnutexobu commented on Mar 4, 2014

Re: XPages and Calling Agents Using an In-Memory Document

The line

compOut.setValue("Can not find Java Agent");

should be

compOutput.setValue("Can not find Java Agent");

to avoid "Error while executing JavaScript action expression" error.

~Isaac Chuhipiburjip commented on Jul 10, 2013

Re: XPages and Calling Agents Using an In-Memory Document

As of 8.5.3, it now supports the outer agent/XPage runs as Agent Signer & Inner agent runs as Agent Signer use case.

~Cheryl Minresamarakoi commented on Mar 2, 2012

Re: XPages and Calling Agents Using an In-Memory Document

Here a workaround for executing background agent on behalf of the real user:

dim eval as string

dim res as variant

dim username as string

Dim s As New NotesSession

Dim db As NotesDatabase

dim doc as notesdocument

Dim ag As NotesAgent

Dim noteid As String

Set db = s.CurrentDatabase

Set ag = s.CurrentAgent

noteid = ag.ParameterDocID

Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID(noteid)




here is the real username.

Donct forget to thick in the agent security properties that it can be run on behalf of web user.

~Umberto Xanweter commented on Sep 7, 2010

XPages and Calling Agents Using an In-Memory Document

Its a shame that it cannot run the inner agent in the name of the signer on the web.

The use case I have in mind is chedking to see if an account already exists in an anonymous registration process