As already mentioned in this article ( a new validation enhancement has been added to XPages in R852. It's an option that allows you to disable validation and save data at the same time. And this is a short tutorial showing this option in action.
For this demo we're going to use the 'Validators' page (propValidatorsConvertors.xsp) on the XPages Demo App ( This is a page that demonstrates some of the basic validation techniques and options in XPages.
To show this latest option we are first going to add a button with a submit type set. Then on the onclick event for this button we are going to select the checkbox for 'Process data without validation'. This sets the new property 'disableValidators' to 'true'.
<xp:button value="Save as Draft" id="buttonSaveAsDraft"
styleClass="customButton" rendered="#{javascript:document1.isEditable()}">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
refreshMode="complete" immediate="false" save="true"
So we can then launch this page and save a test document with filling in or correctly filling out fields which have validation attached.
Saving the document in the normal way will fire the validation.
This is just one example of how to use this new enhancement. There are many others as there is events.
Hope this helps.