Normally, if you are using hybrid application scheme (that is your users are accessing both notes apps and web apps), they need to login to Domino Web server each time they try accessing a web application. Considering some companies have problems with password syncronization between Notes password and Internet password and this results in a serious headache!
By the version 8.5.x, we have SSO with Active directory (SPNEGO). This is a solution. But here are two problems: You need to upgrade your server, configure SPNEGO and only Internet Explorer and certain Firefox versions will be able to use SPNEGO. In addition, some companies have multiple AD domains which makes SPNEGO implementation very difficult.
What may be the purpose of such a tool? One use may be your home page for Lotus Notes users. You may have a portal-like application, listing different applications that user may access. Some applications listed here may be web applications. You may have additional interfaces using XPages for your Notes applications (e.g. reporting) etc.
First, I strongly suggest reading these articles to understand LtpaToken-based SSO:
We first develop a redirector agent for general purposes. We may use a web agent (lotusscript) for this. I used an XPage for simplicity. It basically takes two parameters. 'token' parameter takes the hashed LTPAToken string and 'url' parameter is used for target url. Let's see what it does:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="">
<xp:this.beforePageLoad><![CDATA[#{javascript:try {
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", "LtpaToken=" + token + ";; path=/");
} catch(e) {
Here, be careful about the domain parameter at the cookie setting. We may lookup this from the server but there is no need to create a lookup cost, so type in manually...
Now, suppose we have a Notes-based application and we need to send the user to a web application on the same server without login. We need a token to accomplish authentication. I developed an agent to generate a valid token.
We need to create a session token for this implementation. We will use "session.getSessionToken()" method for this. Unfortunately it is not provided in Lotusscript classes. So we will be using a Java agent for this. The code is here:
public void NotesMain() {
try {
Session session = getSession();
AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
Database db=session.getCurrentDatabase();
Document doc=agentContext.getDocumentContext();
String token=session.getSessionToken(db.getServer());
try {
String token=session.getSessionToken(db.getServer());
doc.replaceItemValue("token", token);
} catch(Exception e) {
doc.replaceItemValue("ErrorLog", e.toString());
} catch(Exception e) {
We need to pass the token we created back to the caller. So we are using a NotesDocument here. If anything goes wrong, we will return an error message back.
Launch a web app by Lotusscript
Now let's look at how we are using:
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim dbcurrent As NotesDatabase
Dim agent As NotesAgent
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set dbcurrent=session.currentDatabase
Set agent=dbcurrent.getAgent("TestAuth")
Set doc=New NotesDocument(dbcurrent)
Call agent.RunWithDocumentContext(doc)
If doc.ErrorLog(0)="" Then
Call ws.urlopen(targetUrl)
Msgbox doc.ErrorLog(0)
End If
Here '/test/redirect.nsf/redirect.xsp' is the xpages URI we created before. 'TestAuth' is the name of the Java agent. We are using URLEncode method here to submit the token properly. Otherwise, when token contains a "+" sign, it will be converted to space in the redirector.
Function URLEncode(url) As String
Dim result, tUrl As String
'Replace double quotes first...
result=Evaluate({@URLEncode("Domino"; '"')})
tUrl=Replace(url, {"}, result(0))
result=Evaluate({@URLEncode("Domino"; "}+tUrl+{")})
End Function
This code can be placed inside a form for testing. You can modify this to use it on anywhere. For example a common method can be created inside a script library.
Warnings, Compatibility and Bugs
Now, before finishing, this code will not be running properly :) We should include some warnings...
First of all, no need to say that: You have to use it on multi-server SSO and your configuration should be working properly. This will work in 8.5.2. If you are using 8.5.1, 'RunWithDocumentContext' method does not exist. Alternatively you should use a real document (not an in-memory one) and pass it to the agent with NoteID. Remember you should delete the temporary document after you're done.
Another warning is about the bug. There are important bugs in this 'getSessionToken' method.
1. If you are using Internet Site Documents, getSessionToken does not look up those. I have a workaround here, just duplicate your 'Web SSO Configuration' document and clear 'Organization' field on the second one. It seems crazy, but it works! It's important to duplicate it. Creating a second one from scratch will not work because it should contain the same keys...
2. This one is funnier. Your Web SSO configuration document should be named as LtpaToken... Yes you heard it. Using any other name will fail, because it looks up with this name :)
If you don't care these two bugs, you will end up with an error message: "Single Sign-On configuration is invalid" at the java agent.
One word for performance. This java agent is an expensive thing for Notes client. So if you are willing to use multiple times in a short period, you may use a caching algorithm.
getSessionToken() method provides a valid session token for the user who executes. So the authenticated user will be the user who signed into the Notes Client.
This method has a security problem with sniffers. Token is being loaded into the browser session cookies. Normally session cookies are safe with SSL connections. However, we are submitting the cookie to the redirector with GET request which is not encrypted even in SSL connections. We may have two alternatives:
- Token should be sent to the redirector with POST request and SSL connection. I couldn't find a method for Lotusscript.
- Second alternative may be to encrypt this with a temporary key that is created by the sending user.