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Jun 27, 2011, 2:51 PM
8 Posts

Re: Opening Link in Browser from XPiNC

  • Category: Other
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.2
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 3
If your developing an XPiNC application, how URL links open is a setting in your location, nothing to do with the XPage design itself. 
Select the menu item File \ Preferences \ Locations \ *Location Name* \ Internet Browser  and check your settings on how URL's are opened. If this was an XPage in HTTP, the machine configuration would govern how URL's were opened.
Jul 4, 2011, 10:58 AM
6 Posts
Re: Opening Link in Browser from XPiNC
Changing the location setting does not seem to work on my machine. Opening a URL with target="_blank" in an XPiNC application does not get opened in an external browser, but in a new main tab of the Notes Client.
You might take a look at our XPages2Eclipse product. In one of our API sample applications, we are using the internal function of Eclipse to launch a file in the associated application on the user's platform.
I just checked and that method also works with URLs. The XPages2Eclipse toolkit is cross-platform. I verified on Windows and Mac that the URL got opened in Firefox, which is my default browser.
You can find the sample here:
and an evaluation version of the product here:
An alternative would be to use LotusScript for the URL opening. You could try to use a Notes URL to a page design element, which closes itself in the postOpen event and opens the URL in the system browser. But that could be a bit hard to find a stable and cross-platform solution for all kinds of browsers.
Jul 5, 2011, 6:17 PM
8 Posts
Re: Opening Link in Browser from XPiNC
Karsten -
I'm sure that your companies product is a fine product, but you do not need it to open a URL in a browser ... The settings for the Notes client govern what tool is used to open the URL. Some settings are in the location, some are in the File/Preferences setting, some may/may not be editable depending upon the policies applied by your Notes administrators, or domain administrators. These are the same settings which govern how an embedded URL in an email are displayed, assuming your using Notes mail client. So my original reply stands.

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