Has anyone who has played with bootsrap and xpages come into any issue's with xp:links not working when viewed on mobile devices?
I have a menu structure, which is a combination of bootstrap markup, containing xp:links, as I was to set some sessionScope variables on the click.
This works perfectly in the browser, but when viewed on a mobile, although the links show, clicking them does nothing, no page refresh and no variable changes.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? Or is there a way to do things like set a sessionScope variable with bootstrap markup, negating the need for the xp:link altogether?
For sanity, the code for the first link in my menu is below.
<ul class="nav" role="">
<label label-default="" class="tree-toggle nav-header"><i class="fa fa-caret-square-o-down fa-fw"></i>Obligors...</label>
<ul class="nav tree">
<xp:link escape="true" id="lnkByCountry"
text="by Country">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
refreshMode="complete" immediate="true">